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Volume 1

Volume I

Documents on Irish Foreign Policy Volume I, 1919 -1922 (Dublin, 1998)

About Volume I This volume is a documentary history of the development of Irish foreign policy and the Irish diplomatic service from 21 January 1919 to 6 December 1922. With a few exceptions, none of the documents in this volume have ever Read more...

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Volume 2

Volume II

Documents on Irish Foreign Policy Volume II, 1923 – 1926 (Dublin, 2000)

About Volume II This volume is a documentary history of the development of Irish foreign policy and diplomatic history from 6 December 1922 to 12 March 1926. As with volume one, few of the documents in this volume have previously appeared in Read more...

385 Documents currently online.

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Volume 3

Volume III

Documents on Irish Foreign Policy Volume III, 1926 – 1932 (Dublin, 2002)

About Volume III The third volume in the Documents on Irish Foreign Policy series reveals how through the League of Nations, the Commonwealth and a small network of overseas missions the Department of External Affairs protected Ireland''''s Read more...

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Volume 4

Volume IV

Documents on Irish Foreign Policy Volume IV, 1932 – 1936

About DIFP Volume IV Volume IV of the DIFP series, deals with the development of Irish Foreign Policy during the period 10 March 1932 – 31 December 1936. This volume takes as its starting point the formation of Ireland's first Fianna Fáil administration, Read more...

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Volume 5

Volume V

Documents on Irish Foreign Policy Volume V, 1937-1939

About Volume 5 Volume V in the DIFP series chronicles the development and execution of Irish foreign policy in the last years of peace and the lead up to the outbreak of World War Two in September 1939. The volume explains in unrivalled detail the important Read more...

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Volume 6

Volume VI

Documents on Irish Foreign Policy Volume VI, 1939-1941

Documents in Irish Foreign Policy, Volume VI, illustrates, in a unique manner unavailable in any other history of the period, the threats Ireland faced during the first years of the Second World War. It shows how Minister for External Affairs Eamon de Valera, Secretary of the Read more...

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Who's who in DIFP VI

Volume 7

Volume VII

Documents on Irish Foreign Policy Volume VII, 1941-1945

DIFP VII commences with neutrality firmly established as the central tenet of Irish foreign policy during the Second World War.

Michael Rynne, Legal Adviser at External Affairs wrote in 1942 that ''Ireland does not base her neutrality on any particular Read more...

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Volume 8

Volume VIII

Documents on Irish Foreign Policy Volume VIII, 1945-1948

DIFP VIII runs from 1945 to 1948 and shows that during the immediate post-war years Ireland redefined its global position as a result of wartime neutrality and the developing Cold War. Previously thought to be years of vacuum and general isolation, the post-war years saw Ireland Read more...

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Volume 9

Volume IX

Documents on Irish Foreign Policy Volume IX, 1948-1951

Documents on Irish Foreign Policy IX covers the three years and four months of Ireland's first coalition government. Comprising Fine Gael, the Labour Party, Clann na Poblachta, Clann na Talmhan and the National Labour Party, it was known as the 'Inter-Party Government'. It was in Read more...

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Volume 10

Volume X

Documents on Irish Foreign Policy Volume X, 1951-1957

About Volume 10

Documents on Irish Foreign Policy Volume X runs from June 1951 to March 1957. It encompasses two administrations: the June 1951 to June 1954 Fianna Fáil government of Éamon de Valera, and the June 1954 to March 1957 Second Inter-Party government of Fine Gael, Labour and Clann na Talmhan, led by Fine Gael’s John A. Costello.

Each administration saw a new Minister for External Affairs take office. Fianna Fáil’s Frank Aiken and Fine Gael’s Liam Cosgrave were hardly political novices, yet despite their experience, both men were new to the development and execution of Irish diplomacy. Their respective Taoisigh, both having long-term involvement in international affairs, maintained a Read more...

Volume 11

Volume XI

Documents on Irish Foreign Policy Volume XI, 1957-1961

About Volume 11

Documents on Irish Foreign Policy Volume XI covers the period 1957 to 1961, will be published in November. It covers the period when Éamon de Valera stepped down as Taoiseach, to be replaced by Seán Lemass. This was at the height of the Cold War, when, despite Ireland’s neutrality, the Department of External Affairs (as it was then called) prepared for Ireland actually being involved in a potential third world war (these preparations included plans to arm Irish diplomats in danger zones in case of public unrest). The years from 1957 to 1961 also marked the heyday of Ireland’s activism at the United Nations, with Ireland playing a central role on issues ranging from nuclear disarmament Read more...

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The Royal Irish Academy's Documents on Irish Foreign Policy series has published an eBook of confidential correspondence on the 1921 Anglo-Irish Treaty negotiations.

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International Counterparts

The international network of Editors of Diplomatic Documents was founded in 1988. Delegations from different parts of the world met for the first time in London in 1989.
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