No. 40 NAI DT S6250
Dublin, 25 April 1932
I am directed by the Minister for External Affairs to inform you, for the consideration of the Executive Council, that he proposes to send Mr. Stephen O'Mara to the United States of America to investigate the desirability of extending the Consular Service there and to report on the possibility of developing export trade with the U.S.A.
2. The Minister has had under consideration the question of Consular and Trade representation in the U.S.A. with a view to seeing whether any enlargement of the present offices is called for in the interests of Saorstát nationals resident there.
3. The Consulate General at New York was established in September 1930 with the intention that it should take over from the British Consuls all the work hitherto performed by them for Saorstát nationals throughout the whole of the U.S.A. Later the Consulate at Boston was established, mainly for visa and passport work at that port.
4. These two offices were expected to take over the work, so far as Saorstát nationals and Saorstát trade with the U.S.A. were concerned, hitherto performed by about 18 main British Consular Stations plus several auxiliaries plus the trade staff attached to the British Embassy at Washington.
5. The Minister is not satisfied that the Consular and Trade facilities at present afforded by these two offices are sufficiently extensive (a) to afford to Saorstát nationals those Consular and other facilities which they should expect from the State, or (b) to safeguard and develop the interests of the exporters of Saorstát products to the U.S.A.
6. In order to inform himself fully in this matter, the Minister considers that Mr. O'Mara should be sent out.
7. It is intended that Mr. O'Mara will spend about two months in the U.S.A., travelling to the main centres of population and investigating local conditions as far as possible. For this purpose he will travel to New Orleans and San Francisco as well as covering Chicago, New York, Boston, Washington, Philadelphia, Detroit, etc.
8. Mr. O'Mara will be prepared to undertake this investigation without remuneration, but it will be necessary to recoup him out-of-pocket expenses in travelling, residence in hotels and such entertainment as will be found necessary in the course of his duties. The estimated cost of this proposal, inclusive of travelling, subsistence allowance and representation allowance, is £1,350.
9. The Minister would be glad to receive the sanction of the Executive Council to the proposal contained herein. The Minister for Finance1 has already sanctioned the expenditure arising out of the proposal.
[signed] J.P. Walshe
The Royal Irish Academy's Documents on Irish Foreign Policy series has published an eBook of confidential correspondence on the 1921 Anglo-Irish Treaty negotiations.
The international network of Editors of Diplomatic Documents was founded in 1988. Delegations from different parts of the world met for the first time in London in 1989.
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