No. 81 NAI DFA/5/305/23/2

Letter from Seán Nunan to Con Cremin (Paris)
(305/23) (Copy)

Dublin, 15 January 1952

With reference to your minute of the 20th December, (Ref. 111/43),1 regarding the case of André Geoffroy, a Breton nationalist, who has been condemned to death, the Taoiseach and the Minister have received very strong representations on behalf of the condemned man directly, and through some members of the Dáil, from Mr. Eoin O’Mahony, KM, BL.2 A few letters requesting the Department to take some action on Mr. Geoffroy’s behalf have been received from other members of the public and, in addition, as you will be aware, the case has received publicity in the news and correspondence columns of Irish newspapers.

We are, of course, aware that in this case involving another Government and one of its own nationals it would be improper for us to intervene by making a formal approach to the French authorities. We are also anxious to avoid, in the interest of our relations with the French Government, any action which would suggest support by the Government here for Breton nationalist claims.

We understand, however, that you feel that you could, without embarrassment for yourself or for the Government here, make an informal approach to someone in the French Foreign Office with a view to mentioning the interest that the case has aroused here. On this understanding and on the further understanding that you are satisfied that such an approach by you would not result in prejudicing rather than helping the interests of Mr. Geoffroy, we should be glad if you would seek a suitable opportunity of letting the Foreign Office know that the case has aroused a certain amount of interest in this country and that representations on behalf of the condemned man have been received by the Government from members of the public. You might add that you are simply mentioning the fact that such representations have been received and that your action is in no way intended to indicate endorsement by the Irish Government of Breton nationalism or to suggest that Mr. Geoffroy’s connection with that movement influenced the judgment in his case.

1 Not printed.

2 Eoin 'Pope' O'Mahony (1904-70), barrister, genealogist, journalist and broadcaster.

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