No. 101 NAI DFA/10/P/211

Letter from Colonel Dan Bryan to Seán Nunan (Dublin)
(G2/C/563) (Confidential)

Dublin, 14 March 1952

Further to my letter of the 20th ultimo1 re Sir Oswald Mosley,2 I have since learned that Mosley has been living outside Paris for the past year and the periodical visits he has made to Ireland appear to have been connected with his property at Eyrecourt, Co. Galway,3 and his publishing firm ‘Euphorian Books’. As previously stated, there is no evidence that Mosley has taken part in any political activities in this country, and were he to take part in any such activities, it is believed he would be almost certain to conduct them from his house near Paris. My information is that he seems more or less to have lost interest in the remnants of his Union movement in England.4

1 Not printed.

2 Oswald Mosley (1896-1980), former leader of the British Union of Fascists.

3 Mosley bought Clonfert Palace in 1951. The one-time home of the Catholic and, later, Church of Ireland Bishops of Clonfert, it was all but destroyed by fire in December 1954. DIFP IX, No. 547.

4 Marginal note by Seán Nunan: 'Hold until further enquiry from British Embassy. SN'; 'Informed Chadwick, 20/3/52.'

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