No. 110 NAI TSCH/2/2/13

Extract from the minutes of a meeting of the Cabinet
'American Grant Counterpart Special Account: Utilization of moneys'
(G.C. 6/81) (Item 3) (S14106I)

Dublin, 2 May 1952

Following consideration of the decision taken at a previous meeting held on the 11th March, 1952,1 relative to the submission, to the Mutual Security Agency, of a list of projects designed to absorb the moneys credited to the American Grant Counterpart Special Account, it was decided

  1. that each individual project should be submitted to the Mutual Security Agency as soon as it is ready to be so submitted and that the submission of any particular project should not be deferred merely on the ground that other projects are not ready to be submitted;
  2. that each of the following projects should be submitted to the Mutual Security Agency on the earliest possible date, without further prior submission to the Government:-
    1. grants towards the purchase by creameries of equipment for the pasteurisation of skim milk,
    2. provision of cold storage and quick-freezing facilities for poultry and rabbits (excluding the provision of chilling rooms for use in the poultry-export trade),
    3. grants for the purchase of equipment for the production and cooking of potatoes,
    4. grants to the Institute for Industrial Research and Standards,
    5. grants of £10,000, each, to Muintir na Tíre,2 Macra na Feirme3 and the Irish Countrywomen’s Association,
    6. provision for the cost of technical-assistance projects,
    7. improvement of public roads serving important bogs and coal-mines and
    8. production of grass meal in County Mayo; and
  3. that the project for the provision of an Agricultural Institute should be submitted as early as possible to a Cabinet Committee comprising the Taoiseach, the Minister for Agriculture, the Minister for Social Welfare and the Minister for Local Government and should then be submitted as early as possible to the Mutual Security Agency in the form in which it may be approved by the Committee.

1 Not printed.

2 Muintir na Tíre, the National Association for the Promotion of Community Development, founded in 1937.

3 Macra na Feirme, a voluntary association established in 1944 to provide farmers with training and an outlet for socialising in rural areas.

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