No. 158 NAI DFA/10/P/238

Extract from a letter from Frederick H. Boland to Seán Nunan (Dublin)

London, 5 December 1952

As arranged with the Minister when he was last in London, I have informed the Commonwealth Relations Office that this Mission does not desire to receive any allocation of seats on the route of the coronation procession next June. I conveyed this in an interview I had yesterday afternoon with Mr. Sedgwick of the Commonwealth Relations Office.

  1. I told Mr. Sedgwick quite frankly that reasons of which he was aware – namely Partition and the position with regard to the Royal Style and Titles – made it impossible for us to participate in the coronation ceremonies in the way we would otherwise wish to do. On the other hand, from our point of view, there was no reason why our non-acceptance of the allocation of seats which had been offered to us need be the subject of any special publicity. Mr. Sedgwick quite agreed with this view.

[matter omitted]

1 Marked seen by Frank Aiken.

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