No. 167 NAI DFA/5/305/14/108/B/Pt1

Letter from Frederick H. Boland to Seán Nunan (Dublin)1

London, 10 February 1953

I hear that the new programme of organisational work adopted by the Anti-Partition League last October continues to make progress. Cash subscriptions since the programme started have averaged £100 a month and as much more has been promised but not yet paid in.

  1. The organisers are said to be very satisfied with the effect which the campaign is having on the life of the local branches. In Newcastle, Middlesbrough, Leicester, St. Helen’s and other centres which have been visited by the organising secretary,2 the local branches of the League seem to have taken a new lease of spirit and activity.
  2. The campaign has revealed that the principal objection which Irish people of the professional and similar classes in this country have to joining the League is not so much fear of being identified with a political organisation as unwillingness to join the local branches, membership of which consists mainly of working people. In order to get over this factor, the League is considering a change in its constitution providing that the League may consist of local members (i.e. those joining their local branches) or national members directly associated with a central branch. Provision would be made for the adequate representation of this central branch at the annual conference of the League.

1 Marked seen by Aiken and Rynne.

2 Tadhg Feehan (1914-81), Organising Secretary of the Anti-Partition of Ireland League, Britain; Local Advisory Officer, London Embassy (1961-81).

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