No. 176 NAI DFA/10/A/77/1

Letter from John Leydon to Seán Nunan (Dublin)
(Confidential) (Copy)

Dublin, 2 March 1953

I have discussed with my Minister the two points referred to in your letter of the 25th February1 about which the British Embassy has made enquiries and he has no objection to raise, so far as this Department is concerned, to the suggested arrangements.

If the evacuation to Ireland of women and children from Britain in the event of war reached substantial proportions, the question of supplies would, no doubt, arise, in relation to certain commodities which would, in the event of war, almost certainly be in short supply; but the Minister feels that, on the whole, it is better not to raise any point about that at this stage.

There are of course a number of other Departments concerned and I assume that you have consulted them also.

Note: Mr. Leydon mentioned in a telephone conversation that the Tánaiste felt the matter should be mentioned to the Government. SN 7/3/53.

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