No. 187 NAI TSCH/3/S15483

Extracts from a memorandum from Denis R. McDonald
to Seán Nunan (Dublin)

Dublin, 30 March 1953

I recently met Dr. Brazao, the Portuguese Chargé d’Affaires,1 at the Spanish Embassy and he mentioned that Dr. Salazar would celebrate the 25th anniversary of his entry into the Portuguese Government on April 27th next. He mentioned that it would be greatly appreciated if the Taoiseach would kindly send a message of congratulations on that occasion. I got the feeling that he has instructions to promote the sending of a message.

[matter omitted]

The benevolent Dr. Salazar cannot boast of adherence to strictly democratic principles but there seems to be little doubt about the outstanding qualities which he has displayed in the conduct of government.

Our relations with Portugal have been characterised by friendliness and sympathy, many similarities being apparent in the geographical situation and Christian tradition of the two countries. Our good relations with Portugal did not, of course, prevent that country from sending units of her naval forces to the port of Derry under arrangements made by NATO in 1952. We objected strenuously though quietly to the action of the Portuguese on that occasion and there is some small room for the hope that they will not allow themselves to be placed in that position again.

I think that on the whole we could recommend the sending of a message to Dr. Salazar. Such a friendly gesture would add strength to any future démarche that we may be obliged to make in regard to visits to Derry.

It is possible that Dr. Brazao may already have approached you directly about this matter. If not, it would seem well to have the point considered and approved in good time so that a reply may be ready for him when he does approach you. Even without a further approach from Dr. Brazao, I think the question of sending a message might be considered, as he may feel that he has dropped sufficient hint in speaking to me.

1 Dr. Eduardo Brazão (1907-87), Portuguese Chargé d'Affaires, Dublin (1949-54).

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