No. 193 NAI TSCH/2/2/14

Extract from the minutes of a meeting of the Cabinet
'Shannon Airport: Facilities for officers of United States' Air Force'
(G.C. 6/172) (Item 2) (S10325)

Dublin, 14 April 1953

Following consideration of a memorandum dated the 13th April, 1953,1 submitted by the Minister for External Affairs relative to a request received from the Embassy of the United States of America for permission to locate two officers of the United States’ Air Force at Shannon Airport for the purpose of explaining to trans-Atlantic pilots how aircraft bound for the United States during the period from the 15th April to the 1st July, 1953, may identify themselves, in connexion with the trial of a system of defence, it was decided that the permission sought should be granted, without imposing the condition suggested in the memorandum that uniform should not be worn by the officers concerned.

1 Not printed.

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