No. 218 NAI DFA/5/305/115/1

Letter from Denis R. McDonald to William Warnock (Berne)
(325/6/42) (Copy)

Dublin, 14 August 1953

With reference to the fifth paragraph of your report of 8th July (ref. 205/61-257)1 regarding the 36th Session of the International Labour Conference, the attitude of abstention which we adopted regarding the question of the representation of China on international bodies was mainly prompted by our anxiety to avoid taking any steps which might jeopardise the interests of such Irish Missionaries as are still on the mainland of China. We explained this attitude to the Nationalist Chinese Ambassador at Washington2 and there the matter rested.

The number of Irish Missionaries in China is, of course, now greatly reduced though a newspaper report which appeared last week referred to three Irish Jesuits who were arrested and imprisoned at Canton.

Having taken this position, we do not propose, for the present at all events, to change our policy.

1 Not printed.

2 Wellington Koo.

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