No. 247 NAI DFA/6/402/218
London, 30 January 1954
I have given a good deal of thought to your letter, 402/218, of the 20th January2 about the proposed fund to promote welfare activities among our people here. Having discussed the question with the members of the Embassy staff who have constant dealings with the Irish organisations in this country and are familiar with their circumstances and their work, I venture to put forward the following comments.
The new scheme differs radically, of course, from that originally suggested. The original scheme took as its starting point the idea that our people in this country should be able to provide for any necessary welfare activities by means of voluntary effort and organisation among themselves; but it recognised that in present circumstances the amount of organisation available for this purpose is very deficient, and it proposed to meet this deficiency by providing a fund out of which help could be given to people who were prepared to help themselves by coming together and setting up local organisations which – once established with the help of initial encouragement from the fund – could be expected to become self-supporting.
The new scheme seems to me to set out from a different premise. It assumes that a fair degree of organisation either already exists or can be brought into being with comparatively little delay; and that this organisation could be used to provide a body capable of framing a suitable scheme and organising a general appeal for subscriptions in this country and Ireland.
That seems to me the essential difference between the two schemes. They imply two different conceptions of the present extent of Irish organisation here and what it is capable of. On the basis of the information and experience available to us here in the Embassy, I feel bound to say that in my view the conception upon which the original suggestion was based, though possibly open to objections on other grounds, was the more realistic. The new scheme seems to me to imply a rather too optimistic assessment of the scope and possibilities of Irish organisation here in present circumstances.
It will help to explain this view perhaps, if I set out the following considerations:-
[matter omitted]
[matter omitted]
I am sorry to sound so depressing; but these are the present position and future prospects as we see them and it is best to state them frankly. The present dearth of organisation among our people in this country is lamentable. They are steadily pouring into the pockets of English dance-hall proprietors and publicans, vast sums of money which, if we only had effective local organisations offering dancing and club amenities, might be made available, in part at least, to finance a whole network of Irish social and welfare activities throughout the country. The whole question is where to begin and which is to come first, the chicken or the egg. What we must realise, I think, is that there is a barrier of habit and apathy to be overcome before any progress can be made. If it can be once surmounted, a snowball effect may be set up by the force of example. The great merit of the original scheme seemed to me to be that it offered a quick and effective means of surmounting the initial barrier. I am not sure that the alternative would have the same effect. Indeed, it is questionable whether it doesn’t leave us with the task of surmounting the initial barrier of inertia and indifference before the scheme it envisages can be got going at all.
For that reason, if there is any room for reconsideration of the matter, I would hope that the original scheme would be looked at again. As I said earlier, I realise there are some objections to it. It may be said, for example, that our people here should be well able to finance welfare activities among themselves and that it is wrong that people at home should be asked to bear all the burden of a financial appeal for that purpose. But it was never intended that the people at home should bear all the burden. They would merely provide the means of getting voluntary schemes going among our people here. It would be for the people here to provide the financial means of keeping them going once they were started. The idea of the fund was simply to provide the vital initial stimulus and by so doing to provide the ‘mise en train’ which, as the French proverb tells us, is the most difficult part of any operation.
The Royal Irish Academy's Documents on Irish Foreign Policy series has published an eBook of confidential correspondence on the 1921 Anglo-Irish Treaty negotiations.
The international network of Editors of Diplomatic Documents was founded in 1988. Delegations from different parts of the world met for the first time in London in 1989.
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