No. 319 NAI DFA/6/437/1/16

Exchange of handwritten minutes between
Michael Rynne and Conor Cruise O'Brien (Dublin)

Dublin, 4 and 5 November 1954

Mr. O’Brien,

Please see attached exchange of minutes1 between the Secretary and myself concerning some recent drafts you sent us after submission to the Minister.

Although we have both become accustomed to the procedural line Min. to Inf. Sect. to Min. (and at times Inf. Sect. to Govt. Secy and Secy, subsequently), neither of us feel that this is normally justified by Departmental exigencies.

Insofar as the Secretary (and/or myself) may be held responsible for advice tendered to the Minister by the Information Section (involving sometimes the Political and other Sections) we are rather in a spot when presented with the fait accompli.

I may mention – merely by way of example – that when, myself, directed by the Minister to do a draft, I generally inform the Secretary before getting to work and later give him a preview of the document.


Dr. Rynne,

I note this instruction and will comply with it. I regret that in the past I, through inadvertence, failed to comply with the correct procedure. Would you please convey my apologies to the Secretary?


1 Not printed.

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