No. 364 NAI DFA/10/P/271/1
Dublin, 23 September 1955
Sir Graham Larmor, President of the Irish Association and Managing Director of the Ulster Weaving Co., a leading Belfast industrialist.
Mrs. Irene Calvert, former Unionist MP, Secretary of the Irish Association and Personnel Manager of the Ulster Weaving Co.Mr. Stewart, A Scotsman, South American representative of the Ulster Weaving Co.
Dr. Emelaus,1 Professor of Physics in Queen’s University Belfast (separate report attached).2 Mrs. Calvert was instrumental in making contact with Professor Emelaus. He represents Queen’s University and the Six Counties on a number of bodies dealing with Atomic Energy matters. He is highly respected on all sides in Belfast and is an acknowledged expert in the field of nuclear physics.
Dr. E. Estyn Evans,3 Professor of Geography, Queen’s University Belfast. (E. McW. only). Professor Evans is a Welshman who is widely respected as being one of the few brilliant members of the QUB staff who made the University his life and career and did not regard it as a mere stepping stone to a British post. Politically he is fairly neutral. He is a well known expert in Irish Archaeology and a pioneer in the study of Irish material folk-culture and through this work has many contacts in Dublin. One of his students who has specialised in some fields in which Dr. MacWhite has published work and who wished to meet him is Mr. V.B. Proudfoot,4 whose father is Managing Director of the Northern Whig. Unfortunately it was not possible to effect this contact on the present visit.
Mr. James McSparran, QC, President of the Anti-Partition League.
Mr. Cahir Healy, MP the oldest and one of the most widely known and respected of the Six County Nationalist leaders. Unfortunately our conversations with Mr. Healy were carried on in the presence of the ‘Omagh Group’ with whose policy he is not in full agreement and a free discussion of his views was thus rather inhibited.
Mr. Roderick O’Connor, MP, Solicitor and owner of the Ulster Herald chain of newspapers, leader of the ‘Omagh Group’ of whom we saw the following: Senator P.F. McGill, editor of the Ulster Herald and the most astute member of the Group, Mr. Michael O’Neill, former Westminster MP for Mid-Ulster, Senator Lynch, and Mr. Edward McCullough,5 former Stormont MP who as a prosperous farmer is both the youngest member of the Group and the only one not financially dependent on the Ulster Herald.
Professor Frank McCauley of St. Columb’s College, Derry, vice-president of the Derry Catholic Voters Registration Committee and a leader writer on the Derry Journal. Professor McCauley is the leading intellectual force of the Derry Nationalist Group.
Mr. Hugh McAteer, younger brother of Mr. E. McAteer, formerly a prominent IRA leader who is believed to have some contacts with Sinn Féin, although he has publicly disassociated himself from them and denies any contact.
Mr. Patrick Scott, I[rish] N[ews] A[gency] correspondent in Belfast, an exceptionally well informed and competent newspaperman who knows everybody in Belfast.
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The Royal Irish Academy's Documents on Irish Foreign Policy series has published an eBook of confidential correspondence on the 1921 Anglo-Irish Treaty negotiations.
The international network of Editors of Diplomatic Documents was founded in 1988. Delegations from different parts of the world met for the first time in London in 1989.
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