No. 467 NAI DFA/5/305/173/Pt II

Telegram from Frederick H. Boland to Seán Murphy (Dublin)
(No. 6)

New York, 9.38pm, 4 November 19561

Special Assembly sitting almost continuously on Hungary and Egypt. We voted for Canadian and Afroasian resolutions on Egypt passed early Sunday morning by large majorities. We voted this evening Sunday for US resolution on Hungary. Discussion continues and have name down to speak. US resolution received 50 votes with 8 opposed and 15 mainly Afroasian abstention and 3 absent. Abstention due dissatisfaction UN inaction on Egypt. Day and all night sittings of Assembly are leaving no time other work little for sleep.

Deirtear go bhuil tinneas gan leigheas ar Dulles agus go mbeidh sé agéirí as a phost ball.2

1 Marginal note by Seán Murphy: 'Seen by Minister S.M. 5/11/56'. A copy of this telegram was seen by the Taoiseach.

2 Translation: 'It is said that Dulles has an incurable illness and will leave office soon'.

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