No. 540 NAI DFA PMUN 112

Extract from a confidential report from William P. Fay
to Seán Murphy (Dublin)
'Algeria in UNO'
(121/47:27/57) (Confidential) (Copy)

Paris, 8 February 1957

[matter omitted]

  1. It is difficult to judge from all these references, whether they are representative of what in fact Mr. Boland said, more especially because the Irish newspapers, in their reports of the speech, concentrate principally on the comparison he appears to have drawn between the Anglo-Irish struggle of 1919/1921, and the conflict taking place in Algeria. I have no doubt that these Press reports do not do justice to our delegate’s speech, since in any such comparison, it would clearly be necessary to make a fundamental distinction between the Irish struggle and that of the Algerian nationalists; our guerrilla campaign having been undertaken only after it was authorised by elected representatives chosen at a free general election and conducted in general accordance with the laws of war, whereas the Algerian campaign has been characterised by brutal, indiscriminate savagery, and is not in a position to show any popular authority whatever, except that which it can obtain by terrorism. I should therefore be most grateful to have a copy of Mr. Boland’s speech as well as any background material available, as I shall, almost certainly, be asked questions about it and about our attitude on the subject generally.

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