No. 549 NAI DFA/5/305/173/Pt II

Dearg code telegram from Frederick H. Boland to Seán Murphy (Dublin)
(No. 31) (Immediate) (Copy)

New York, 9.49pm, 24 February 1957

Immediate for Secretary from Ambassador like to have line regarding vote Israel question. Fear it will be impossible send you precise text beforehand because new proposal and amendment may be submitted at last moment. Essential issue however is whether we should vote moral condemnation or economic sanction or both. We recommend abstention ignoring all sanctions on grounds explained your Assembly speech. Canadian most European and Commonwealth delegations will abstain or vote against. As regards moral condemnation we request discretion vote in exactly the same or abstain on the understanding that we try follow general line adopted by United States European Commonwealth and similar delegations. Vote likely Tuesday. Have received cable from Dublin Zionist organisation protesting against suggested economic sanctions.

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