No. 69 NAI DFA ES Box 33 File 232
Berlin, 29 March 19211
For another reason also, anti-English propaganda in Germany is necessary. There is a slight tendency noticeable in the Rhineland to contrast the conduct of the English troops favourably with that of the French and American armies (Strange to say the Americans are detested). There is no doubt that the English Army is vastly better behaved than the other entente armies - a fact, which, coupled with the German hatred of France might possibly develop into a preference for England, in comparison with the Allies. The English authorities seem [to be] playing for such a development, as they are obviously most anxious to avoid anything in the nature of unpleasantness between their troops and the German population. In this point I would respectfully suggest that anti-English, as distinct from pro-Irish, propaganda would be of value. England's part in bringing about the war, the gains which England makes by the Versailles treaty, and such subjects would need emphasis, as Germans are apt to forget the past in the present. Moreover, statements by the English Labour Party, the Daily Herald, and such sources, appear in German papers as evidence that the English people are not behind the present demands, but are being dragged at the heels of Chauvinist France.
I do not wish it to be understood that there is anything like pro-English feeling in Germany. If there is, I never met it. But it appeared to me that English propaganda was working very unobtrusively to bring about such feeling gradually, and that it would be well to counter it early.The recent demands of the Allies had an extraordinary effect in hardening national opinion, and the results of the Silesian plebiscite will harden it still further, as all German hopes were set on the retention of that province, so the moment is particularly opportune for our propaganda. As showing the trend of feeling, I would point out that at the elections for the Prussian Parliament which took place a month ago, the combined bourgeois parties obtained a majority over the combined socialists, and the party which got an accession of strength was the Nationalist, or Junker party. In the previous Parliament the Socialists had the majority. Neither the Socialist nor the Centre parties are much use to us - the aristocratic, 'Militarist' elements are the anti-English ones.
N.[ancy] [Wyse] P.[ower]
The Royal Irish Academy's Documents on Irish Foreign Policy series has published an eBook of confidential correspondence on the 1921 Anglo-Irish Treaty negotiations.
The international network of Editors of Diplomatic Documents was founded in 1988. Delegations from different parts of the world met for the first time in London in 1989.
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