No. 82 NAI DE 2/526

Nancy Wyse Power to Eamon de Valera (Dublin)

Berlin, 11 May 1921

I am in receipt of communication from Dept. of F.A. dated April 29th.1 Immediately on my return from Paris I set about work, arranged with the University Professor to undertake the actual wording of the Bulletin, and issued an explanatory letter to newspaper editors. Since I have issued two Bulletins. For the present, I think it well to only issue twice weekly - later we can increase the issue to thrice. I have interviewed numerous newspaper editors who all expressed friendly or sympathetic views, but in spite of these things, I am not hopeful of a very great measure of success, as the time for starting foreign propaganda here could hardly have been more ill-chosen. The appointment of Prof. Pokorny is only temporary - as he leaves here on August 1st - for some months nothing else was possible. If anyone from home were coming here he might perhaps take on Dr. Hill - but I did not wish to do this, having specific instructions not to do so unless on the condition of the Colonel's collaboration. I think it most essential that there be somebody here from Ireland capable of directing the matter - none of these people is sufficiently in touch with Irish affairs to do the matter entirely on his own.

I understand from my mother that you anticipate no difficulty in filling my place here. Might I ask you in the interests of the project not to send out anyone else unless he be the person who is going to stay. The position is so very complicated - it is unnecessary to go into it here - that it is waste of effort to introduce series of people into the matter. He will want to know German well also. Hopeless as I am about the success of the project, I am now sufficiently interested in it to want to give it a fair chance, and, if absolutely necessary - that is to say if no one suitable were available - I would rather remain or go home and return later, although if it can be managed, I much prefer to go home now. My mother will have explained to you my reasons for wanting to get back to Dublin. I hope that the gentleman originally mentioned in this connection may be spared for here - even for a while.

As regards the gentleman expected from America, I can only say that from all I have heard, somebody who had not been here before would be more acceptable. I know nothing of the gentleman, but suggest with all respect that a man who has been out of Ireland for about 30 years can scarcely be in touch with the present situation there. You have no idea how isolated one is here: I have to rely on English papers two days old for Irish news, so your representative will need to be some one, who in any case of emergency, can act on his own initiative in a way acceptable to our people. Moreover, Mr. J. is described on all sides here - where unanimity is otherwise rare - as a person of appalling indiscretion. Examples of this have been given to me and were certainly striking. He does not know one word of the language of the country, although he lived in it so long. The advantages of his appointment are not obvious in the circumstances.

To return to myself, I would point out that the Dept. has not sent me a single newspaper or bulletin since I left home 4 weeks ago. I was promised large supplies, but have seen nothing of them. It is too bad to have to mention such petty matters to you, but you will realise the difficulty of conducting propaganda without material. The note from the Dept. expresses the hope that I have not been 'inconvenienced' by the delay forwarding money. Of course I could not possibly have commenced work but that Seán T. advanced me some -

I have incidentally been supervising the translation, printing and circulation of the Address to the Nations. I should be glad to know at your earliest convenience of your intentions, so that I may know where I am. To summarise my position:

1. I have work in the Univ. on June 1st. which I could if necessary let go, or have done by someone else.
2. I must correct the Matriculation papers which will be in at the end of June. This work I have undertaken to do.
3. As I do not wish to lose my superintending work, I should wish to be back for June 1st, but if required could get someone to take my place.
4. If I am to be home by the earlier date, you will have to send someone out immediately. But please do not let yourself be hurried into sending some one unsuitable.

N.[ancy] [Wyse] P.[ower]

P.S. Please communicate through my mother: it is more rapid than through Paris.

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