No. 39 NAI DFA Secretary's Files P104A

Letter from Thomas J. Kiernan to Joseph P. Walshe (Dublin)
(F.2/2/45) (Copy)

Holy See, 28 November 1945

In conversation with Monsignor Tardini1 in the Vatican yesterday, I mentioned the loss we suffered recently in the death of Cardinal MacRory.2 He said it was unexpected, despite the great age of the Cardinal. Then, referring to the See of Armagh, he said jokingly that the new appointment might mean a difficulty for the Holy Father - a difficulty arising from St. Patrick himself, who chose Armagh as the primatial see; 'but we cannot always confine ourselves to Armagh. Dublin is very important - the centre of Irish Catholic Life'.

Then he referred to his visit to Dublin in 1932; he did not expect to see anything so inspiring this side of Paradise; and said he had sat in the carriage with Mr. Sean T. O'Kelly, at that time Vice-President of the Government and now President of the Irish State.

1 Domenico Tardini (1888-1961), aide to Pope Pius XII in the Vatican Secretariat of State (1935-52).

2 Cardinal Joseph MacRory (1861-1945), Archbishop of Armagh (1928-45), elevated to Cardinal 1929.

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