No. 2 NAI DFA 417/33 Part 1
London, 18 August 1945
In a casual encounter yesterday, a friend1 told me in the strictest confidence that the Swedish Government had been making unofficial and informal soundings as to the possibility of their being admitted to the United Nations as observers.2 The reply given unofficially and informally was that admission on that basis could not be granted. A hint was, however, given that if the Swedish Government subscribed to the Atlantic Charter and then applied for admission as a member3 of the United Nations, such an application would be entertained favourably.
He asked what I thought my Government's attitude was towards the United Nations. I replied, of course, that I had no information on that point. He would know that the Taoiseach had never entertained the slightest suggestion of 'band-waggoning'. Although that factor no longer existed, the question would obviously require very careful consideration by the Government. What was the position with regard to other Governments which had been neutral in the war, I asked. What, for example, was the position about Spain? Spain, he said, was rather a special case because of the attitude of Russia. My friend's personal view was that Sweden, Switzerland, Portugal and Éire ought to be included in the United Nations. They could each contribute helpfully and for his part he would like to see them in the United Nations where he felt they could help in the difficulties which he foresaw could not fail to arise with Russia. He thought that if we subscribed to the Atlantic Charter, saying parenthetically 'whatever that may mean', and asked for admission, he thought it would be well received.
When I asked why the United Nations did not invite the countries which had been neutral, he said that such a procedure had been considered but it was felt better that the initiative should come from the neutral Governments; it would avoid the impression of any suggestion of 'shepherding' by the United Nations, especially the Allies.
The authenticity of this source of information is beyond any doubt and I will, as usual, give you the name when I see you. I gave him my assurance that what he had said would be treated in the strictest secrecy.
P.S. The soundings referred to in the first paragraph overleaf were probably made in London this week where, as you know, the Executive Committee of the Preparatory Commission of the United Nations is now sitting.
The Royal Irish Academy's Documents on Irish Foreign Policy series has published an eBook of confidential correspondence on the 1921 Anglo-Irish Treaty negotiations.
The international network of Editors of Diplomatic Documents was founded in 1988. Delegations from different parts of the world met for the first time in London in 1989.
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