No. 83 NAI TSCH/2/2/13

Extract from the minutes of a meeting of the Cabinet
'Defence Forces: Supplies of arms and equipment'
(G.C. 6/55) (Item 4) (S14891)

Dublin, 18 January 1952

Following consideration of a report by the Minister for Defence on the position regarding the procurement of arms and equipment for the Defence Forces, it was decided

  1. that the Minister should have an immediate investigation made as to what supplies of suitable arms and equipment are procurable from countries other than Britain and should submit a report on the results of the investigation;
  2. that, in any case in which, as a result of the investigation, the Minister for Defence is satisfied that supplies of suitable arms or equipment are procurable and that urgent action is necessary, in order to secure them, he should, subject to the sanction of the Minister for Finance, authorize the immediate purchase of such arms and equipment; and
  3. that the Taoiseach should discuss the position with the British Ambassador, with a view to securing, as early as possible, a firm decision from the British Government as to the delivery of arms and equipment from Britain.

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