No. 180 NAI TSCH/2/2/14

Extract from the minutes of a meeting of the Cabinet
'European Agricultural Community: Conference at Paris regarding establishment, March, 1953'
(G.C. 6/162) (Item 5) (S15011)

Dublin, 13 March 1953

Following consideration of a memorandum dated the 4th March, 1953,1 submitted by the Minister for Agriculture relative to the Plenary Conference of member Governments of the Organization for European Economic Co-operation due to open at Paris on the 16th March, 1953, to consider the proposed establishment of a supra-national authority, to be known as the European Agricultural Community, to regulate agricultural production and marketing in western Europe, it was decided

  1. that the Government should be represented at the Conference by a delegation led by the Irish Ambassador at Paris and comprising officers of the Department of Agriculture and the Irish Embassy at Paris; and
  2. that the Irish delegation should indicate that they are unable to support the recommendations contained in the Majority Report made on the Plan in May, 1951, by the Special Committee for Agriculture of the Council of Europe.

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