No. 254 NAI DFA/10/A/47

Letter from Seán Nunan to Maurice Moynihan (Dublin)
(Secret) (Copy)

Dublin, 22 February 1954

With reference to my call to you of 20th inst., I enclose, for your information, a brief summary of how Professor Williams’ statements on the meeting between Mr. Kerney and the representative of Herr Veesenmayer fit in with our archives.1 I cannot find that Professor Williams makes a direct statement that Mr. Kerney met Herr Veesenmayer himself – apart from the oblique reference ‘as a result of the interview between Veesenmayer and the Irish diplomat’.

You will see that, shortly after his return to Madrid from home leave in November, 1941, Mr. Kerney met Mr. Clissmann. It seems probable that any interviews which took place were with Mr. Clissmann until that of 24th August, 1942, when Mr. Kerney reported that he met Mr. Veesenmayer for the first time. This would seem to be the ‘visitor’ that Frank Ryan told Mr. Kerney, in his letter dated eleven days previously, he could expect, as Veesenmayer spoke of having met Ryan ‘for the first time six weeks ago’.

I understand that you have not available a copy of Mr. Kerney’s report of 24th August, 1942, which is fairly lengthy.2 I am having copies made and will let you have one within the next day or two.

1 Not printed.

2 DIFP VII, No. 218.

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