Members of foreign diplomatic and consular staffs in Ireland who desire to make contact with Departments other than the Department of External Affairs, are expected, in accordance with normal practice, to make arrangements for such contacts through the Department of External Affairs.
- As an exception to this general rule some members of foreign diplomatic and consular staffs including those listed under such titles as ‘Trade Commissioner’, ‘Commercial Counsellor’, ‘Commercial Secretary’, ‘Commercial Attaché’, ‘Economic Attaché’, and ‘Agricultural Attaché’, as well as Service Attachés (i.e. Military, Army, Naval and Air Attachés) already have, with the implied consent of the Minister for External Affairs, the privilege of direct approach to Departments other than the Department of External Affairs.
- Replies to enquiries from foreign staffs containing unpublished information, which appear to involve security considerations, will be sent by the Head of the Department concerned, or his deputy, to the Department of Defence for clearance.
- The Department of Defence will return to the Department concerned any reply which is to be released. The Department concerned will then decide, having regard to paragraphs 1 and 2, whether they will issue the reply themselves or through the Department of External Affairs.
- In the case of enquiries from persons covered by paragraph 1 above, the Department of External Affairs will transmit the enquiry to the Department concerned which will, if necessary, clear its reply with the Department of Defence before passing it to the Department of External Affairs for release.
- In all cases in which the information requested is being refused, the Department concerned will inform the Department of External Affairs.
- The Department of Defence will, if necessary, consult the Department of External Affairs and the Department concerned before deciding whether a particular reply may be released.
- Nothing in the foregoing should be taken as applying to the exchange of information between foreign Military, Army, Naval and Air Attachés and the Department of Defence within the limits set by the Department of Defence.
- Any instances of information being sought by questionnaires or otherwise, by foreign diplomatic or consular staffs, from private firms or individuals, of which Departments become aware, will be brought to the notice of the Department of External Affairs for any appropriate action.
- Departments will notify the Department of Defence of all enquiries which appear to involve security considerations, even though the information sought is being refused by the Department concerned for other reasons.
Editorial Note: Following the general election of 18 May 1954 the Second Inter-Party Government (comprising Fine Gael, the Labour Party and Clann na Talmhan) led by Taoiseach John A. Costello, took office on 2 June 1954. Liam Cosgrave was appointed Minister for External Affairs.