No. 311 NAI DFA/10/P/262

Minute from Joseph D. Brennan to John J. Hearne (Washington DC)

Washington DC, 29 September 1954

I had the opportunity of talking to Congressman Rooney briefly today. I referred to the meeting which he attended last week and told him that if he felt he could tell me anything about it, I should be grateful.1 He said that he had understood that Congressman Fogarty would give me what knowledge he could divulge. I told him that Mr. Fogarty had been disappointingly reticent about the meeting. He said that he could not be otherwise. I asked him if he would answer a couple of questions simply and he said to try him. I asked him three questions:

1. Was the Secretary favourably disposed?

Reply. Yes.

2. Did he have a practical solution in mind?

Reply. No.

3. Did the Secretary promise to explore the possibilities of finding a practical solution?

Reply: Yes; and the result of his explorations would be conveyed to them, that is the delegation, at the next meeting.

I did not press Mr. Rooney further.

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