No. 339 NAI DFA/10/A/60/1

Letter from Seán Nunan to Lieutenant General Peadar MacMahon (Dublin)
(Secret) (A.60/1) (Copy)

Dublin, 27 April 1955

With reference to your letter of 25th January1 concerning the approach made to Colonel Callanan by a Mr. de Bardeleben, the CIA representative attached to the US Embassy in London, suggesting the establishment of some measure of liaison between our Military Intelligence and the CIA, my Minister has now received a letter from the American Ambassador here enclosing a letter from Mr. Allen W. Dulles, Director of CIA, in which he suggests that such liaison be established. I enclose copies of these communications for your information.2

My Minister agrees with the view set out in the penultimate paragraph of your minute under reply, i.e., that an arrangement on the lines suggested should be approved, and he is, accordingly, writing Mr. Taft to that effect.

Perhaps you would be so good as to let me know whether, in replying to Mr. Taft, the Minister should indicate that your representative will make the approach to the CIA representative with a view to establishing the procedure to be followed or vice versa.

1 See No. 326.

2 Not printed.

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