No. 469 NAI TSCH/3/S16113/A

Telegram from Frederick H. Boland to Seán Murphy (Dublin)
(No. 7)

New York, 10.46pm, 5 November 1956

No immediate apprehension here serious worsening mideast situation. Britain, France expected to hand over positions occupied to UN force before long. Canada, Colombia, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Pakistan, New Zealand have agreed provide such force: once UN force takes over, new major UN effort to settle Suez and Israeli Arab problem will follow. Much unexpressed resentment about attacks on Egypt but feeling present UN action makes best bad job. Debate on UN Hungarian resolution not pursued. Subject expected figure largely annual Assembly general debate.1

1 Marginal note by Maurice Moynihan on 6 November 1956: 'Read by the Minister for External Affairs to his colleagues at a Government meeting today'.

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