No. 507 NAI DFA/5/305/115/A/I

'Note' by Eoin MacWhite

Dublin, 8 December 1956

On Monday, 3rd December, Mr. Emmons,1 Counsellor of the American Embassy called to see me about a number of things. Among the points he wished to talk about was the question of what he called Communist China’s cultural offensive. He said that the American Government viewed with concern the increasing success of Communist China’s cultural activities in a number of countries including some which shared the United States policy of non-recognition of the People’s Republic, such as Australia. The Americans said that while the cultural activities, visits of Chinese dancers, Chinese singers, Chinese musicians and so on were harmless in themselves they were being specifically used as a front by the Communist Chinese Government to make contact with intellectual circles and through these work for the recognition of Communist China and other Communist purposes.

Mr. Emmons said that all American diplomatic Missions had been asked to make their views known to all the Governments which had supported the American stand at the United Nations. He said that, having regard to our attitude to China, he did not consider it necessary to leave an Aide-Mémoire or make written representations. I told him that while it might be difficult and even undesirable to stop private persons from visiting China that it was more than unlikely that we would permit a Communist Chinese delegation, cultural or otherwise, to visit this country.

1 Arthur B. Emmons III (1910-62), United States diplomat, Counsellor, US Embassy Dublin (1956-7).

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