No. 535 NAI TSCH/2/2/17

Extract from the minutes of a meeting of the Cabinet
'Partition: study of practical problems arising on re-integration of
national territory'
(G.C. 7/181) (Item 5) (S9361F)

Dublin, 2 February 1957

It was decided

  1. that, with a view to the preparation of specific detailed proposals for the re-integration of the national territory, each Department should undertake forthwith, in respect of matters with which it is concerned, an intensive study of all the practical problems that may be expected to arise in that connexion, including problems relating to the harmonization, subject to due allowance for legitimate local and sectional interests, of policies and methods concerning agricultural and industrial development, social services, health services, education and other matters; and
  2. that, for the purposes of the study, it may be assumed
    1. provisionally, that a separate legislature, with powers corresponding to those at present exercised by the Six-County Parliament, will be created or recognized in respect of either the present Six County area or a smaller area, such as the area in which those who are at present opposed to re-integration form a homogeneous majority, and
    2. that the powers at present reserved by the British Parliament will be transferred to a Parliament for all Ireland.

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