No. 287 NAI DFA ES Box 30 File 199

T.A. Smiddy to George Gavan Duffy (Dublin)


New York, 20 May 1922 (received 30 May 1922)

A Chara:


[Matter omitted]
I was speaking last evening to Stephen O'Mara. In the course of conversation he mentioned that President Harding is desirous to do something to propitiate Irish feeling towards him.1 It is fairly certain that he will lose ground at the next elections, in Autumn; hence, he is most anxious to give some proof of his interest in Ireland. For instance, to bring pressure on England to withdraw troops from Ulster, and also all threat of war as a consequence of the people of Ireland voting against the Treaty.

Harding may be willing to make a gesture to this effect, but I doubt if it will achieve its object. If you have any definite policy on this point I shall be glad to receive it from you. I have 'phoned Begley to procure for you a print of the Bill introduced by Senator Shortridge to control immigration into the United States.

I have been very much hampered in my office work, both in New York and

in Washington on account of the political complexion of almost all the staff. The stenographer at Washington, I have reason to believe, is a gossiper and any matter referring to Washington affairs runs the risk of being spoken of outside. She has been some time in the service of the Dail; she was in Chicago in connection with the Bond drive. However, she is almost useless to me for the reasons stated, and there is no other work for her to do. Hence, I propose to give her a few weeks notice; and obtain, if possible, a confidential private secretary stenographer.

Begley and Ward sail on the 14th June.

Do Chara,
T. A. Smiddy

1 Handwritten note in margin: 'O'Mara said some senators informed him of this desire of Harding when he was in Washington in connection with the A.A.R.I.R'.

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