Volume 10

557 Documents currently online.

Documents on Irish Foreign Policy Volume X, 1951-1957

About Volume 10

Documents on Irish Foreign Policy Volume X runs from June 1951 to March 1957. It encompasses two administrations: the June 1951 to June 1954 Fianna Fáil government of Éamon de Valera, and the June 1954 to March 1957 Second Inter-Party government Read more...

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Doc No. 518 2 January 1957 - From Committee of Secretaries
European Free Trade Area
Doc No. 519 3 January 1957 - From Eoin MacWhite
Meeting with Eddie McAteer concerning recent events in Northern Ireland
Doc No. 520 3 January 1957 - From Seán Murphy To Liam Cosgrave
Meeting with Sir Alec Clutterbuck regarding IRA border raids
Doc No. 521 4 January 1957 - From Josephine McNeill To Seán Murphy
Situations in Hungary, Poland and the Soviet Union
Doc No. 522 9 January 1957 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Murphy
Ongoing United Nations reaction to the Soviet invasion of Hungary / Resignation of Sir Anthony Eden
Doc No. 523 12 January 1957 - From Eoin MacWhite
Meeting between Murphy, Cosgrave and McAteer concerning Dublin’s future short-term Northern Ireland policy
Doc No. 524 12 January 1957 - From Con Cremin To Seán Murphy
‘The British Prime Minister’
Doc No. 525 14 January 1957 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Murphy
Disarmament debate at the United Nations General Assembly / Algeria / Issues facing the General Assembly
Doc No. 526 15 January 1957 - From John Belton To Liam Cosgrave
Visits of Eddie McAteer to the Department of External Affairs
Doc No. 527 15 January 1957 - From Department of the Taoiseach To Government
‘European Free Trade Area’
Doc No. 528 17 January 1957 - From Con Cremin To Seán Murphy
IRA campaign in Northern Ireland
Doc No. 529 19 January 1957 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Murphy
Egypt and Suez
Doc No. 530 24 January 1957 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Murphy
Admission of Korea and Vietnam to the United Nations / Question of self-determination being discussed at the General Assembly
Doc No. 531 25 January 1957 - From William P. Fay To Seán Murphy
Discussion with Guy Mollet on future policy towards Algeria
Doc No. 532 27 January 1957 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Murphy
Actions of the United Nations Secretary General towards the Israel-Egypt crisis
Doc No. 533 28 January 1957 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Murphy
The Eisenhower Doctrine and an assessment of Colonel Nasser’s prospects
Doc No. 534 29 January 1957 - From Department of External Affairs To Government
‘A solution of Partition by peaceful means’
Doc No. 535 2 February 1957 - From Cabinet Minutes
‘Partition – study of practical problems arising on re-integration of national territory’
Doc No. 536 5 February 1957 - From Department of the Taoiseach To Government
Recommendations by the Committee of Secretaries as to Ireland’s attitude towards the proposed European Free Trade Area
Doc No. 537 7 February 1957 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Murphy
Impact of Ireland’s speech on the Algerian question on the General Assembly delegations
Doc No. 538 7 February 1957 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Murphy
Ireland’s attitudes towards Portugal’s stand on its overseas territories at the UN
Doc No. 539 7 February 1957 - From Charles Murray To Maurice Moynihan
War Book
Doc No. 540 8 February 1957 - From William P. Fay To Seán Murphy
French press reaction to Ireland’s speech on Algeria at the UN General Assembly
Doc No. 541 8 February 1957 - From Cabinet Minutes
‘European Free Trade Area’
Doc No. 542 12 March 1957 - From Edward Brennan To Seán Murphy
Attitude in the San Francisco consular area towards the renewal of IRA actions in Northern Ireland
Doc No. 543 12 February 1957 - From Cabinet Minutes
‘International Monetary Fund and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development: Membership’
Doc No. 544 13 February 1957 - From Gearóid Woods To Seán Murphy
Attitude in the Boston consular area towards the renewal of IRA actions in Northern Ireland
Doc No. 545 15 February 1957 - From Seán Ronan To Seán Murphy
Attitude in the Chicago consular area towards the renewal of IRA actions in Northern Ireland
Doc No. 546 18 February 1957 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Murphy
Ireland’s stance on the Algerian question in the UN General Assembly
Doc No. 547 19 February 1957 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Murphy
Attempts to forge a compromise resolution concerning the Israel-Egypt dispute and how Ireland might vote on such a resolution
Doc No. 548 19 February 1957 - From Cabinet Minutes
Establishment of diplomatic relations with Japan
Doc No. 549 24 February 1957 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Murphy
Seeks instructions as to how Ireland should vote on any forthcoming UN General Assembly resolutions on Israel
Doc No. 550 25 February 1957 - From Seán Murphy To Frederick Boland
Provides instructions on how Ireland should vote on any forthcoming UN General Assembly resolutions on Israel
Doc No. 551 1 March 1957 - From John A. Costello To John Courtney
Outlining Ireland’s attitude and policy towards IRA violence, ending Partition and relations with the communities in Northern Ireland
Doc No. 552 4 March 1957 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Murphy
Further attempts by the United States at a solution of the Israel-Egypt crisis at the UN General Assembly
Doc No. 553 5 March 1957 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Murphy
Interim short-term solution of the Israel-Egyptian dispute
Doc No. 554 6 March 1957 - From William P. Fay To Seán Murphy
Positive French official reaction towards Ireland’s UN attitude towards the Algerian question
Doc No. 555 9 March 1957 - From Minutes of meeting
European Free Trade Area proposals
Doc No. 556 12 March 1957 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Murphy
Overview of the state of affairs at the adjournment of the 11th Session of the UN General Assembly
Doc No. 557 8 April 1957 - From Department of External Affairs To Government
Assessment by Boland of Ireland’s achievements at the 11th Session of the UN General Assembly

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