Volume 10

557 Documents currently online.

Documents on Irish Foreign Policy Volume X, 1951-1957

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Documents on Irish Foreign Policy Volume X runs from June 1951 to March 1957. It encompasses two administrations: the June 1951 to June 1954 Fianna Fáil government of Éamon de Valera, and the June 1954 to March 1957 Second Inter-Party government Read more...

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Doc No. 1 16 June 1951 - From Éamon de Valera To All Heads of Missions
Good wishes to representatives abroad on returning to office
Doc No. 2 16 June 1951 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
Requests meeting with Frank Aiken
Doc No. 3 16 June 1951 - From John J. Hearne To Seán Nunan
Conversation with Ambassador Pandit
Doc No. 4 18 June 1951 - From Joseph P. Walshe To Frank Aiken
Appointment of Papal Nuncio; appointment of Irish Cardinal
Doc No. 5 20 June 1951 - From Seán Murphy To Seán Nunan
Canadian views on the partition of Ireland
Doc No. 6 20 June 1951 - From Thomas J. Kiernan To Seán Nunan
Appointment of Australian Ambassador to Ireland
Doc No. 7 21 June 1951 - From John J. Hearne To Seán Nunan
Frank P. Matthews and acceptance of post of United States Ambassador to Ireland
Doc No. 8 30 June 1951 - From Political Section
‘French proposals for an Agricultural Pool’
Doc No. 9 28 June 1951 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
Level of support for IRA in Britain
Doc No. 10 28 June 1951 - From Seán Ó hÉideáin To Conor Cruise O'Brien
Comparison between the Falklands Islands dispute and the partition of Ireland
Doc No. 11 29 June 1951 - From Foreign Trade Committee
Ireland’s attitude towards the OEEC
Doc No. 12 4 July 1951 - From Conor Cruise O'Brien To William B. Butler
Comparison between the Falklands Islands dispute and the partition of Ireland
Doc No. 13 4 July 1951 - From Sarsfield Hogan To Frederick Boland
Second World War Irish-German financial transactions
Doc No. 14 4 July 1951 - From Frederick Boland To Sarsfield Hogan
Second World War Irish-German financial transactions
Doc No. 15 5 July 1951 - From Frank Aiken
Partition, British and American geostrategic views of Ireland, Defence Forces weapons requirements, Ireland’s position in the Third World War
Doc No. 16 5 July 1951 - From Frank Aiken
Need to build up Ireland’s military strength
Doc No. 17 5 July 1951 - From Frank Aiken To Frank Pakenham
Delight that de Valera has returned to office
Doc No. 18 11 July 1951 - From Frank Aiken
Partition, British and American geostrategic views of Ireland, Defence Forces weapons requirements, Ireland’s position in the Third World War
Doc No. 19 13 July 1951 - From Con Cremin
Meeting between Aiken and Schuman, on ending the partition of Ireland
Doc No. 20 13 July 1951 - From Nicholas Nolan
Appointment of a Trade Representative in Belfast
Doc No. 21 18 July 1951 - From Joseph D. Brennan To John J. Hearne
Meeting with Matthews concerning Frank Aiken, the partition of Ireland, and Matthews appointment to Dublin
Doc No. 22 18 July 1951 - From William P. Fay To Brian Gallagher
Leakages of information concerning potential Irish arms purchases in Sweden
Doc No. 23 19 July 1951 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
Visit of the Mountbattens to Ireland
Doc No. 24 23 July 1951 - From Joseph P. Walshe To Seán Nunan
Unease about circulation of reports
Doc No. 25 23 July 1951 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
Condition of Irish emigrants in Birmingham
Doc No. 26 26 July 1951 - From John J. Hearne To Seán Nunan
Conversation with Dean Acheson
Doc No. 27 27 July 1951 - From Cabinet Minutes
Joint purchase of Great Northern Railway
Doc No. 28 30 July 1951 - From Department of External Affairs To John J. Hearne
Ireland’s need for modern military equipment
Doc No. 29 30 July 1951 - From Department of External Affairs
Possible United States military aid to Ireland
Doc No. 30 31 July 1951 - From Josephine McNeill To Seán Nunan
Dutch interest in de Valera’s policy regarding Irish unity and Partition
Doc No. 31 2 August 1951 - From Conor Cruise O'Brien To Seán Ó hÉideáin
Refutes Ireland/Falkland Islands analogy
Doc No. 32 14 August 1951 - From Seán Nunan To Peadar MacMahon
Leakages of information concerning potential Irish arms purchases in Sweden
Doc No. 33 14 August 1951 - From Seán Ronan To Garth Healy
Conveys Departmental policy on overseas adoptions of Irish infants and criticises Healy for linking overseas adoption to anti-Partition policy
Doc No. 34 15 August 1951 - From Joseph D Brennan To Conor Cruise O'Brien
Need for adequate representation allowances to entertain in Washington DC and develop American interest on Partition
Doc No. 35 15 August 1951 - From Frank Aiken To John J. Hearne
Congratulations to Congressman Fogarty
Doc No. 36 17 August 1951 - From Joseph D. Brennan To Conor Cruise O'Brien
Progress of Anti-Partition Resolution in Congress
Doc No. 37 18 August 1951 - From Joseph P. Walshe To Frank Aiken
Walshe’s loneliness in Rome
Doc No. 38 21 August 1951 - From Seán Nunan
Conveying policy regarding Ireland’s position regarding Partition and a future European war
Doc No. 39 22 August 1951 - From John J. Hearne To Seán Nunan
Comparison between Ireland and Korea
Doc No. 40 1 September 1951 - From William P. Fay To Jacques Camille Paris
Irish views on ‘Green Pool’ proposals and attendance at forthcoming conference on the ‘Green Pool’
Doc No. 41 7 September 1951 - From Con Cremin
Meeting between Aiken and MacArthur concerning the provision of United States weapons and equipment for the Irish Defence Forces
Doc No. 42 7 September 1951 - From Con Cremin To Frank Aiken
Conversation with Douglas MacArthur on the provision of United States weapons and equipment for the Irish Defence Forces
Doc No. 43 8 September 1951 - From John J. Hearne
‘Anti-Partition campaign in the United States’
Doc No. 44 17 September 1951 - From Michael Rynne
‘Another Basis for Settling Titles Impasse with CRO’
Doc No. 45 19 September 1951 - From Conor Cruise O'Brien To Brian Durnin
The Minister likes short memoranda
Doc No. 46 20 September 1951 - From Frank Aiken To Cloyce K. Huston
Procurement of arms for Defence Forces
Doc No. 47 24 September 1951 - From Thomas J. Kiernan To Seán Nunan
Indonesian inspiration from Irish history
Doc No. 48 26 September 1951 - From Frederick Boland To Tim O'Driscoll
British Labour Party views on Partition
Doc No. 49 26 September 1951 - From Seán Murphy To Conor Cruise O'Brien
Support in Canada for the anti-Partition movement
Doc No. 50 26 September 1951 - From Department of Industry and Commerce
Great Northern Railway purchase
Doc No. 51 29 September 1951 - From Frank Aiken To John Fogarty
Conveys thanks to Fogarty for his work raising Partition in the United States House of Representatives
Doc No. 52 1 October 1951 - From John Belton To Seán Nunan
Former Nazis in the Auswartiges Amt, position of Henning Thomsen
Doc No. 53 4 October 1951 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
Czechoslovak Legation in Dublin
Doc No. 54 11 October 1951 - From Frank Aiken
Meeting with Matthews concerning Partition
Doc No. 55 18 October 1951 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
Irish representation at Commonwealth meetings
Doc No. 56 5 November 1951 - From Michael Rynne To Frank Aiken
Numbers of children adopted overseas
Doc No. 57 14 November 1951 - From Conor Cruise O'Brien To Seán Ó hÉideáin
International viewpoint on Partition
Doc No. 58 16 November 1951 - From Cabinet Minutes
Directions to delegation attending FAO
Doc No. 59 1 November 1951 - From Department of External Affairs To Frank Aiken
Adoption of Thomas Kavanagh by Jane Russell
Doc No. 60 22 November 1951 - From Joseph P. Walshe To Frank Aiken
Leak of information surrounding appointment of Papal Nuncio
Doc No. 61 23 November 1951 - From Cabinet Minutes
Alleviation of distress in Italy
Doc No. 62 1 December 1951 - From Joseph P. Walshe To Frank Aiken
Leak of information surrounding appointment of Papal Nuncio
Doc No. 63 5 December 1951 - From Seán Nunan To Maurice Moynihan
Case of André Geoffrey
Doc No. 64 5 December 1951 - From Sheila Murphy To Frank Aiken
Ireland, the Pleven Plan and a European Army
Doc No. 65 13 December 1951 - From Frederick Boland
Meeting with Lord Pakenham concerning Partition and North-South relations
Doc No. 66 1 December 1951 - From Department of External Affairs
Replacement of ECA by Mutual Security Act
Doc No. 67 17 December 1951 - From Department of External Affairs
Enactment of Mutual Security Act by US Congress – Démarche by American Ambassador
Doc No. 68 18 December 1951 - From Michael Rynne To Seán Nunan
Question of naturalisation of Werner Unland
Doc No. 69 19 December 1951 - From Dan Bryan To Seán Nunan
Activities and membership of the German-Irish Society
Doc No. 70 21 December 1951 - From Seán Nunan To Thomas J. Coyne
Aiken opposed to naturalisation of Werner Unland
Doc No. 71 21 December 1951 - From Cabinet Minutes
United States of America: Economic Co-operation Agreement and Mutual Security Act of 1951
Doc No. 72 24 December 1951 - From Frank Aiken To Francis P. Matthews
Ireland’s position regarding ECA and Mutual Security Act
Doc No. 73 24 December 1951 - From Department of Industry and Commerce To Cabinet
Proposal that Aer Lingus, Teoranta, should carry out maintenance work on aircraft belonging to the United States Air Force in Europe
Doc No. 74 29 December 1951 - From Gerard Woods To T.J. Horan
Adoption of children overseas
Doc No. 75 31 December 1951 - From Seán Nunan
Ireland’s position regarding ECA and Mutual Security Act
Doc No. 76 31 December 1951 - From T.J. Horan To Gerard Woods
Adoption of children overseas
Doc No. 77 4 January 1952 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
Developments within the Anti-Partition League
Doc No. 78 8 January 1952 - From Frank Aiken To Francis P. Matthews
Economic Co-operation Agreement
Doc No. 79 10 January 1952 - From Séamus MacÚgo
Fermanagh-Tyrone Deputation – meeting with de Valera
Doc No. 80 12 January 1952 - From William P. Fay To Maurice Moynihan
Future of ECA assistance to Ireland
Doc No. 81 15 January 1952 - From Seán Nunan To Con Cremin
André Geoffroy
Doc No. 82 16 January 1952 - From T.J. Horan To Jack Molloy
Adoption of Irish child by Americans – matters of law and policy
Doc No. 83 18 January 1952 - From Cabinet Minutes
Supply of arms and equipment for the Defence Forces
Doc No. 84 19 January 1952 - From Embassy, Washington D.C. To Department of External Affairs
Churchill’s remarks on Irish unity
Doc No. 85 21 January 1952 - From Maurice Moynihan
Drafting the reply to the United States note of 10 January concerning ECA and MSA
Doc No. 86 22 January 1952 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
Churchill’s remarks on Irish unity
Doc No. 87 23 January 1952 - From Seán Nunan To Frederick Boland
Churchill’s remarks on Irish unity
Doc No. 88 29 January 1952 - From Department of Industry and Commerce To Government
‘Admission of Foreign Military Aircraft to Ireland’
Doc No. 89 29 January 1952 - From Frank Aiken To Cloyce K. Huston
Ending of United States technical aid to Ireland
Doc No. 90 1 February 1952 - From Cabinet Minutes
Admission of foreign military aircraft to Ireland – change to regulations
Doc No. 91 4 February 1952 - From Joseph P. Walshe To Joseph P. Walshe
Briefing on outlook of incoming Papal Nuncio
Doc No. 92 5 February 1952 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
Churchill’s, and general British, views on Ireland and Northern Ireland
Doc No. 93 7 February 1952 - From Seán Nunan To Frederick Boland
Question of obtaining supplies of arms for the Defence Forces from Britain
Doc No. 94 7 February 1952 - From Department of External Affairs To Government
Future of technical assistance programme in light of ending of United States technical aid to Ireland
Doc No. 95 13 February 1952 - From Frank Aiken
Provision of United States arms to Ireland
Doc No. 96 13 February 1952 - From Frank Aiken To Gerald Boland
Opposition to conferring Irish citizenship on Werner Unland
Doc No. 97 15 February 1952 - From Cabinet Minutes
European Recovery Programme: Implications of suspension of economic assistance to Ireland
Doc No. 98 23 February 1952 - From Sheila Murphy To Josephine McNeill
Ireland and the European Defence Community
Doc No. 99 27 February 1952 - From Department of External Affairs To Josephine McNeill
Ireland’s involvement in the OEEC
Doc No. 100 4 March 1952 - From John J. Hearne To Seán Nunan
Conversation with Sir Oliver Franks on British-Irish relations, NATO and partition

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