Volume 10

557 Documents currently online.

Documents on Irish Foreign Policy Volume X, 1951-1957

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Documents on Irish Foreign Policy Volume X runs from June 1951 to March 1957. It encompasses two administrations: the June 1951 to June 1954 Fianna Fáil government of Éamon de Valera, and the June 1954 to March 1957 Second Inter-Party government Read more...

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Doc No. 101 14 March 1952 - From Dan Bryan To Seán Nunan
Sir Oswald Mosley’s activities in Ireland
Doc No. 102 22 March 1952 - From Frank Aiken
Obtaining supplies of arms for the Defence Forces from Britain
Doc No. 103 26 March 1952 - From Con Cremin
Irish views on the ‘Green Pool’ proposal
Doc No. 104 31 March 1952 - From Con Cremin
Meeting between Aiken and Eisenhower concerning supply of arms to Ireland
Doc No. 105 3 April 1952 - From Frederick Boland To Sheila Murphy
Current attitudes in Commonwealth Relations Office
Doc No. 106 7 April 1952 - From Sheila Murphy
André Geoffroy
Doc No. 107 17 April 1952 - From Joseph D. Brennan To Conor Cruise O'Brien
‘The Quiet Man’
Doc No. 108 22 April 1952 - From Seán Nunan To William P. Fay
Repayment of Ireland’s national debts
Doc No. 109 30 April 1952 - From Jack Molloy To Frederick Boland
Activities of Georgi Rodionov of the Soviet Embassy towards Irish Embassy staff
Doc No. 110 2 May 1952 - From Cabinet Minutes
Utilisation of American Grant Counterpart Special Account monies
Doc No. 111 3 May 1952 - From William P. Fay To John J. Hearne
Adoption laws in Ireland
Doc No. 112 9 May 1952 - From Michael Rynne To Denis McDonald
Lack of reporting from John A. Belton in Bonn
Doc No. 113 10 May 1952 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
Cahir Healy’s tendencies in the House of Commons
Doc No. 114 12 May 1952 - From Denis McDonald To John Belton
Querying lack of political and confidential reporting from Bonn
Doc No. 115 19 May 1952 - From Seán Nunan To Frederick Boland
Aiken’s views on Cahir Healy
Doc No. 116 22 May 1952 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
The nature of the British Commonwealth
Doc No. 117 31 May 1952 - From John Belton To Seán Nunan
Attempted explanation of lack of reports from Bonn legation
Doc No. 118 1 June 1952 - From Department of Defence To Government
Procurement of arms and equipment for the Defence Forces
Doc No. 119 20 June 1952 - From Michael Rynne
Question of recognition of Israel
Doc No. 120 23 June 1952 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
Activities of Georgi Rodionov of the Soviet Embassy towards Irish Embassy staff
Doc No. 121 23 June 1952 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
Retirement of Krishna Menon, double-accredition of diplomatic missions to Dublin
Doc No. 122 24 June 1952 - From Seán Nunan
Instructions for the Guidance of Officers serving abroad in their Relations with the Representatives of Countries with Communist Governments
Doc No. 123 27 June 1952 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
Possible Commonwealth economic and financial conference and implications for Ireland
Doc No. 124 27 June 1952 - From Jack Molloy To Frederick Boland
Meeting with Rodionov
Doc No. 125 30 June 1952 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
Molloy’s meeting with Rodionov and its implications
Doc No. 126 30 June 1952 - From Seán Nunan To John J. Hearne
Mutual Security Act and financing of arms for Ireland
Doc No. 127 2 July 1952 - From Joseph D. Brennan To Brian Durnin
Concerns regarding portrayal of Ireland in ‘The Quiet Man’
Doc No. 128 3 July 1952 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
Tell G2 about Molloy’s contacts with Rodionov
Doc No. 129 4 July 1952 - From Seán Nunan To John J. Hearne
Repayment of Ireland’s outstanding international loans
Doc No. 130 7 July 1952 - From Department of External Affairs
Recognition of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia
Doc No. 131 8 July 1952 - From Frank Biggar To Frederick Boland
Future of the European Payments Union
Doc No. 132 8 July 1952 - From Josephine McNeill To Seán Nunan
Relations with Communist missions in The Hague
Doc No. 133 1 July 1952 - From Frank Biggar
Ireland will not obtain assistance from USA under MSA and should take no initiative to seek such assistance.
Doc No. 134 18 July 1952 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
Intrigue over appointment of the Indian ambassador to Ireland
Doc No. 135 8 August 1952 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
Aneurin Bevan, Ireland and Partition
Doc No. 136 22 August 1952 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
Migration of Irish girls to Britain
Doc No. 137 25 August 1952 - From Valentin Iremonger To Jack Conway
Andrija Artukovic not to be allowed to re-enter Ireland
Doc No. 138 25 August 1952 - From Seán Nunan To John J. Hearne
Synopsis of Ireland’s attitude to Mutual Security Act
Doc No. 139 27 August 1952 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
Irish attendance at coronation of Queen Elizabeth II
Doc No. 140 1 September 1952 - From Department of External Affairs To Council of Europe
Numbers of refugees admitted to Ireland since the end of the Second World War
Doc No. 141 9 September 1952 - From Department of External Affairs To Government
Irish involvement with the Commonwealth Financial and Economic Conference
Doc No. 142 22 September 1952 - From Valentin Iremonger To Peter Berry
Question of issuing passports to children born in Northern Ireland being adopted overseas
Doc No. 143 22 September 1952 - From Josephine McNeill To Seán Nunan
Éamon de Valera’s convalescence in Utrecht following an eye operation
Doc No. 144 23 September 1952 - From William P. Fay To Frederick Boland
Migration of Irish girls to Britain
Doc No. 145 26 September 1952 - From Richard Callanan To Seán Nunan
Activities of Sir Oswald Mosley in Ireland
Doc No. 146 2 October 1952 - From William P. Fay To Sarsfield Hogan
Trade with Czechoslovakia
Doc No. 147 8 October 1952 - From Frank Aiken
Conversation with French Ambassador: French forces on NATO exercise in Northern Ireland
Doc No. 148 14 October 1952 - From Marguerita Kenny To Thomas V. Commins
Numbers of passports issued for overseas adoption
Doc No. 149 17 October 1952 - From Cabinet Minutes To Government
‘An Tóstal: Directions sought by An Bord Fáilte concerning Six-County participation and anti-partition propaganda’
Doc No. 150 28 October 1952 - From Frank Aiken
Meeting with Lord Salisbury regarding the ending of Partition
Doc No. 151 28 October 1952 - From Frank Aiken
Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II/Royal style and title
Doc No. 152 4 November 1952 - From Thomas V. Commins To Peter Berry
Adoption Act, 1952
Doc No. 153 7 November 1952 - From Cabinet Minutes
Landing rights at Shannon and Dublin Airports
Doc No. 154 11 November 1952 - From Thomas J. Horan
Death of President of Israel
Doc No. 155 12 November 1952 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
Meeting with Gordon-Walker regarding a solution to partition
Doc No. 156 14 November 1952 - From Joseph P. Walshe To Seán Nunan
Legion of Mary and Opus Dei
Doc No. 157 30 November 1952 - From Éamon de Valera To Winston Churchill
Birthday wishes for a united Ireland
Doc No. 158 5 December 1952 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II/Royal style and title
Doc No. 159 12 December 1952 - From John J. Hearne To Seán Nunan
Recognition of China/Irish missionaries in China
Doc No. 160 20 December 1952 - From Denis Devlin To Seán Nunan
Turkish geopolitical views on Ireland
Doc No. 161 3 January 1953 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
Canadian interest in Anglo-Irish relations
Doc No. 162 9 January 1953 - From Seán Nunan To Joseph P. Walshe
Recognition of Israel/Israeli interest in closer relations with Ireland
Doc No. 163 24 January 1953 - From Department of External Affairs
German compensation to Ireland for war damage
Doc No. 164 29 January 1953 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
Problems facing the Irish community in Birmingham
Doc No. 165 3 February 1953 - From Seán Nunan To Thomas J. Coyne
André Geoffroy/Refusal to give naturalisation to political refugees
Doc No. 166 9 February 1953 - From John J. Hearne To Seán Nunan
United States attitude towards the need for bases in Ireland
Doc No. 167 10 February 1953 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
Snobbery within the Anti-Partition League
Doc No. 168 10 February 1953 - From Cabinet Minutes
Disaster relief aid to the Netherlands
Doc No. 169 13 February 1953 - From Frank Aiken
Meeting with Hankinson regarding Britain’s interests in Ireland and Irish unity
Doc No. 170 23 February 1953 - From Seán Nunan To John J. Hearne
United States attitude towards the need for bases in Ireland – Ireland’s likely reaction in the event of a United States attack
Doc No. 171 25 February 1953 - From Seán Nunan To John Leydon
Evacuations from Britain to Ireland in the event of a World War
Doc No. 172 26 February 1953 - From Joseph P. Walshe To Michael McDunphy
Writing Ireland’s contemporary history
Doc No. 173 27 February 1953 - From Cabinet Minutes
‘Trade with countries under Communist rule’
Doc No. 174 28 February 1953 - From Joseph P. Walshe To Seán Nunan
Professor Dudley Edwards’ activities in Rome
Doc No. 175 28 February 1953 - From Department of Justice To Government
‘Question of admission of Jewish refugees’
Doc No. 176 2 March 1953 - From John Leydon To Seán Nunan
Evacuations from Britain to Ireland in the event of a World War
Doc No. 177 2 March 1953 - From Department of External Affairs To Government
Trade with countries under Communist rule
Doc No. 178 4 March 1953 - From Department of Agriculture To Government
Plans for a European Agricultural Community (The Green Pool)
Doc No. 179 6 March 1953 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II / Royal Title / Partition
Doc No. 180 13 March 1953 - From Cabinet Minutes
Ireland’s attitude to plans for a European Agricultural Community (The Green Pool)
Doc No. 181 13 March 1953 - From Cabinet Minutes
Admission of refugees to Ireland
Doc No. 182 13 March 1953 - From Joseph P. Walshe To Seán Nunan
Professor Dudley Edwards’ trip to Rome
Doc No. 183 16 March 1953 - From Joseph P. Walshe To Seán Nunan
Russian radio broadcasts to Ireland
Doc No. 184 20 March 1953 - From Department of External Affairs
Ireland’s attitude towards NATO
Doc No. 185 20 March 1953 - From Department of External Affairs
Ireland’s attitude towards NATO – questions and answers relating to
Doc No. 186 1 March 1953 - From Conor Cruise O'Brien
Visit to Northern Ireland: 23 to 25 March 1953
Doc No. 187 30 March 1953 - From Denis R. McDonald To Seán Nunan
Irish-Portuguese relations – Salazar’s 25th anniversary of entering into office
Doc No. 188 31 March 1953 - From Seán Ó hÉideáin
‘Salazar regime in Portugal’
Doc No. 189 31 March 1953 - From Jack Molloy To Frederick Boland
Continued interest of Soviet diplomats in London in Ireland
Doc No. 190 1 April 1953 - From Maurice Moynihan
Discussion with Aiken and de Valera regarding the War Book
Doc No. 191 2 April 1953 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
Impressions of Dag Hammarskjöld
Doc No. 192 11 April 1953 - From Joseph P. Walshe To Seán Nunan
Ireland’s attitude towards NATO
Doc No. 193 14 April 1953 - From Cabinet Minutes
Facilities for United States Air Force officers at Shannon Airport
Doc No. 194 20 April 1953 - From Peadar MacMahon To Seán Nunan
Co-operation with Britain in the event of an emergency
Doc No. 195 23 April 1953 - From Department of External Affairs To Frank Aiken
Activities of Sir Oswald and Lady Diana Mosley in Ireland
Doc No. 196 27 April 1953 - From Éamon de Valera To Antonio Salazar
Congratulations on 25 years in government
Doc No. 197 1 May 1953 - From Thomas J. Horan To Maurice Moynihan
Presentation of shamrock to the President of the United States of America
Doc No. 198 8 May 1953 - From Joseph P. Walshe To Frank Aiken
Aiken’s Estimates speech/British intentions towards Ireland
Doc No. 199 8 May 1953 - From Department of Industry and Commerce To Government
Exchange of meteorological information between Ireland and Britain in the event of a war
Doc No. 200 8 May 1953 - From Cabinet Minutes
Preparation of a ‘War Book’

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