Volume 10

557 Documents currently online.

Documents on Irish Foreign Policy Volume X, 1951-1957

About Volume 10

Documents on Irish Foreign Policy Volume X runs from June 1951 to March 1957. It encompasses two administrations: the June 1951 to June 1954 Fianna Fáil government of Éamon de Valera, and the June 1954 to March 1957 Second Inter-Party government Read more...

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557 documents currently online.

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Doc No. 401 10 February 1956 - From John J. Hearne To Seán Murphy
Holy Places/recognition of Israel
Doc No. 402 21 March 1956 - From Eoin MacWhite
Holy Places/recognition of Israel
Doc No. 403 21 March 1956 - From John A. Costello
Ireland’s policy at the United Nations
Doc No. 404 24 March 1956 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Murphy
Analogies between partition of Ireland and the possible partition of Cyprus
Doc No. 405 1 March 1956 - From John A. Costello
‘Membership of and participation in the United Nations’
Doc No. 406 4 April 1956 - From Sheila Murphy To Eoin MacWhite
Recognition of China
Doc No. 407 9 April 1956 - From Seán Murphy To John J. Hearne
Holy Places/recognition of Israel
Doc No. 408 16 April 1956 - From John J. Hearne To Seán Murphy
Report on Taoiseach’s visit to the United States
Doc No. 409 16 April 1956 - From John A. Costello
Conversation with Swedish Minister to Ireland
Doc No. 410 27 April 1956 - From John A. Costello To Dag Hammarskjold
Conveys thanks to Hammarskjöld for their meeting in New York
Doc No. 411 30 April 1956 - From Thomas J. Kiernan To Seán Murphy
‘German attitude to European Integration’
Doc No. 412 30 April 1956 - From Thomas J. Kiernan To Seán Murphy
‘Ireland’s UNO position and Colonial Disputes’
Doc No. 413 30 April 1956 - From John A. Costello To Government
‘Report by Taoiseach and recommendations following his visit to the United States of America, March 1956’
Doc No. 414 1 May 1956 - From Gerard Sweetman To John A. Costello
Reflections on Costello’s memorandum on his United States trip
Doc No. 415 7 May 1956 - From Department of External Affairs To Government
Proposed accession to 1951 Convention regarding the status of refugees
Doc No. 416 9 May 1956 - From John Belton To Seán Murphy
Ireland, regional groupings and the United Nations General Assembly
Doc No. 417 15 May 1956 - From Maurice Moynihan To Seán Murphy
Anglo-Irish co-operation over nuclear power
Doc No. 418 19 May 1956 - From Eoin MacWhite To Sheila Murphy
Recognition of China
Doc No. 419 25 May 1956 - From John J. Hearne To Seán Murphy
Conversation with Algerian representative to the United States
Doc No. 420 28 May 1956 - From Thomas J. Kiernan To Seán Murphy
Dinner with the Royal Ulster Rifles
Doc No. 421 29 May 1956 - From Seán Murphy To Liam Cosgrave
Outline of Irish foreign policy
Doc No. 422 1 June 1956 - From Department of External Affairs To Liam Cosgrave
Ireland and the Cyprus Question
Doc No. 423 14 June 1956 - From Thomas J. Kiernan
Official German attitude towards Ireland
Doc No. 424 14 June 1956 - From Leo T. McCauley To Seán Murphy
Meeting with Dr. Sukarno, President of Indonesia
Doc No. 425 16 June 1956 - From Seán Murphy To Michael Leo Skentelbery
Irish representation in Canberra
Doc No. 426 19 June 1956 - From Sheila Murphy To John Belton
Question of recognition of certain states
Doc No. 427 19 June 1956 - From Department of the Taoiseach To Government
Present position regarding the proposed War Book
Doc No. 428 22 June 1956 - From Thomas J. Coyne To Seán Murphy
Provision of a visa to visit Ireland for the Yugoslav Ambassador to London
Doc No. 429 1 June 1956 - From Frank Biggar
‘The Irish in Birmingham’
Doc No. 430 28 June 1956 - From William P. Fay To Seán Murphy
Suggests attitude to be adopted by Ireland over Algeria
Doc No. 431 6 July 1956 - From Cabinet Minutes
Emergency preparations: establishment of a working party
Doc No. 432 11 July 1956 - From Seán Murphy To William P. Fay
Irish policy towards Algeria
Doc No. 433 16 July 1956 - From Paul Keating To Seán Murphy
Western European attitude towards 11th General Assembly of the United Nations
Doc No. 434 16 July 1956 - From Department of External Affairs
Economies in the Department of External Affairs / relationship with the Department of Finance
Doc No. 435 19 July 1956 - From John A. Costello To John Charles McQuaid
Views on the global role of the United States of America
Doc No. 436 28 July 1956 - From Seán Murphy To Jack Conway
Requests a report on IRA funding raising and support in New York, Boston, Chicago and San Francisco
Doc No. 437 6 August 1956 - From William P. Fay To Seán Murphy
Nationalisation of the Suez Canal – meeting at Quai d’Orsay and with the Egyptian Ambassador to France
Doc No. 438 7 August 1956 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Murphy
Developments in the Suez crisis
Doc No. 439 16 August 1956 - From Frank Biggar To Seán Murphy
Developments in the Suez crisis
Doc No. 440 20 August 1956 - From Seán Murphy To Paul Keating
Caucus of European countries at the United Nations
Doc No. 441 27 August 1956 - From Frank Biggar To Seán Murphy
Britain and the Suez crisis
Doc No. 442 28 August 1956 - From Conor Cruise O'Brien To Seán Murphy
‘France and the Suez Problem’
Doc No. 443 11 September 1956 - From John Belton To Liam Cosgrave
Recognition of China
Doc No. 444 11 September 1956 - From John J. Hearne To Seán Murphy
Conversations at the State Department over the Suez crisis
Doc No. 445 17 September 1956 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Murphy
Eden, the British parliament and the Suez crisis
Doc No. 446 22 September 1956 - From Seán Morrissey To Seán Ronan
Overseas adoption of Irish children
Doc No. 447 26 September 1956 - From Frank Biggar To Con Cremin
Conversation with Snelling about the Suez crisis
Doc No. 448 27 September 1956 - From Sheila Murphy
Recognition of China: policy at General Assembly
Doc No. 449 9 October 1956 - From Department of External Affairs To Liam Cosgrave
European Free Trade Area
Doc No. 450 9 October 1956 - From Cabinet Minutes
Association between European Customs Union and other members of OEEC: Irish participation
Doc No. 451 18 October 1956 - From Con Cremin To Seán Murphy
Meeting with Lord Home and Sir Gilbert Laithwaite: Suez, EFTA and the Irish economy
Doc No. 452 29 October 1956 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Murphy
United Nations response to evolving situation in Hungary
Doc No. 453 31 October 1956 - From William P. Fay To Seán Murphy
‘The Israeli-Egyptian Conflict and the Anglo-French Ultimatum’
Doc No. 454 31 October 1956 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Murphy
Hammarskjöld’s threat of resignation
Doc No. 455 1 November 1956 - From Seán Murphy To Frederick Boland
Policy to be adopted as regards Suez crisis
Doc No. 456 1 November 1956 - From Seán Murphy To Frederick Boland
Directs policy to be adopted in General Assembly over Suez
Doc No. 457 1 November 1956 - From Con Cremin To Seán Murphy
‘Franco-British action on Suez’
Doc No. 458 1 November 1956 - From Frank Biggar To Seán Murphy
Anglo-French ultimatum over Suez
Doc No. 459 1 November 1956 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Murphy
Directs policy to be adopted in General Assembly over Suez
Doc No. 460 2 November 1956 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Murphy
Action taken at General Assembly over Suez
Doc No. 461 2 November 1956 - From Michael Rynne To Seán Murphy
Personal views on the Suez crisis
Doc No. 462 2 November 1956 - From Con Cremin To Seán Murphy
‘The Egyptian War’
Doc No. 463 2 November 1956 - From John A. Costello To Cardinal Mindszenty
Ireland’s support for Hungary
Doc No. 464 3 November 1956 - From Maurice Moynihan
Contingency plans discussed by Cabinet concerning worsening of Suez crisis
Doc No. 465 3 November 1956 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Murphy
Security Council decision on Hungary
Doc No. 466 3 November 1956 - From Seán Murphy To Frederick Boland
Cosgrave agrees with actions taken over Hungary
Doc No. 467 4 November 1956 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Murphy
Special Assembly of the United Nations over Hungary and Suez
Doc No. 468 5 November 1956 - From Con Cremin To Seán Murphy
Impact of Suez Crisis on the British government
Doc No. 469 5 November 1956 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Murphy
United Nations efforts to solve Suez crisis
Doc No. 470 6 November 1956 - From Seán Murphy To Liam Cosgrave
Meeting with French Ambassador concerning events in Egypt
Doc No. 471 7 November 1956 - From Maurice Moynihan
Irish aid to Hungarian refugees
Doc No. 472 8 November 1956 - From Frederick Boland
Irish support for the people of Hungary
Doc No. 473 9 November 1956 - From Peadar MacMahon To Seán MacEoin
Creation of UNEF – Ireland’s attitude towards
Doc No. 474 12 November 1956 - From Liam Cosgrave To John A. Costello
Arrival at, and views on, United Nations General Assembly
Doc No. 475 13 November 1956 - From Liam Cosgrave
Ireland’s admission to the United Nations
Doc No. 476 13 November 1956 - From Liam Cosgrave To John A. Costello
Political developments at the United Nations General Assembly
Doc No. 477 14 November 1956 - From Liam Cosgrave To John A. Costello
Suez and Hungary
Doc No. 478 14 November 1956 - From Seán Murphy
‘Recognition of States’
Doc No. 479 14 November 1956 - From Maurice Moynihan
National security measures and the War Book
Doc No. 480 15 November 1956 - From Seán Murphy To John A. Costello
Meeting with Clutterbuck concerning IRA raids in Northern Ireland
Doc No. 481 15 November 1956 - From Department of External Affairs To UNHCR
Irish aid to Hungary
Doc No. 482 15 November 1956 - From Liam Cosgrave
Question of the representation of China at the United Nations
Doc No. 483 16 November 1956 - From Liam Cosgrave To John A. Costello
News from the United Nations General Assembly: representation of China, elections to UN offices and to the Security Council
Doc No. 484 16 November 1956 - From Liam Cosgrave To John A. Costello
Events in Hungary and the Soviet reaction to them
Doc No. 485 16 November 1956 - From Seán Murphy To Philip O'Donoghue
The constitutional position with regard to the Suez Crisis and the position of the Defence Forces with regard to UNEF
Doc No. 486 16 November 1956 - From Seán Murphy To Frederick Boland
Ireland’s attitude to Algeria
Doc No. 487 17 November 1956 - From Philip O'Donoghue To Patrick McGilligan
The constitutional position with regard to the Suez Crisis and the position of the Defence Forces with regard to UNEF
Doc No. 488 17 November 1956 - From William P. Fay To Frederick Boland
Ireland’s position towards the situation in Algeria
Doc No. 489 17 November 1956 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Murphy
Requests views on the attitude of the Holy See towards Soviet action in Hungary
Doc No. 490 19 November 1956 - From Liam Cosgrave To John A. Costello
Selwyn Lloyd’s views on Suez
Doc No. 491 20 November 1956 - From Peadar MacMahon To Seán Murphy
Issues arising when considering the overseas deployment of the Defence Forces on a United Nations mission
Doc No. 492 20 November 1956 - From Frank Biggar To Con Cremin
Australian diplomatic representation in Ireland
Doc No. 493 21 November 1956 - From Seán Murphy To John A. Costello
Ireland’s attitude towards the United Nations Emergency Force
Doc No. 494 21 November 1956 - From Con Cremin To Sean Murphy
Meeting with R.A. Butler on Anglo-Irish relations
Doc No. 495 21 November 1956 - From Seán Murphy To Frederick Boland
Attitude of the Holy See towards Soviet action in Hungary
Doc No. 496 23 November 1956 - From Cabinet Minutes
Admission and accommodation of refugees from Hungary
Doc No. 497 26 November 1956 - From Con Cremin To Seán Murphy
‘British withdrawal from Suez’
Doc No. 498 26 November 1956 - From Maurice Moynihan To Seán Murphy
Ireland’s attitude towards a European free trade area
Doc No. 499 28 November 1956 - From William Warnock To Seán Murphy
Meeting with von Brentano
Doc No. 500 29 November 1956 - From Maurice Moynihan
Impact of a European Free Trade Area on Ireland

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