Volume 10

557 Documents currently online.

Documents on Irish Foreign Policy Volume X, 1951-1957

About Volume 10

Documents on Irish Foreign Policy Volume X runs from June 1951 to March 1957. It encompasses two administrations: the June 1951 to June 1954 Fianna Fáil government of Éamon de Valera, and the June 1954 to March 1957 Second Inter-Party government Read more...

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Doc No. 201 15 May 1953 - From Cabinet Minutes
Reciprocal exchange of meteorological information with Britain in the event of a war
Doc No. 202 16 May 1952 - From Seán Nunan To Frederick Boland
Ireland’s attitude towards celebrations marking the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II
Doc No. 203 21 May 1953 - From Joseph P. Walshe To Seán Nunan
Professor Desmond Williams and his articles in The Leader on Irish neutrality in the Second World War
Doc No. 204 3 June 1953 - From Denis Devlin To Seán Nunan
Nationalisation of the Suez Canal by Egypt
Doc No. 205 19 June 1953 - From Department of Agriculture To Government
European conference on the organisation of agricultural markets
Doc No. 206 26 June 1953 - From John J. Hearne To Seán Nunan
Uprising and riots in East Germany
Doc No. 207 3 July 1953 - From Cabinet Minutes
European conference on the organisation of agricultural markets
Doc No. 208 6 July 1953 - From Joseph P. Walshe To Seán Nunan
Implications of Professor Desmond Williams’ articles on Second World War Irish foreign policy being published in the Irish Press
Doc No. 209 9 July 1953 - From Joseph P. Walshe To Seán Nunan
Implications of Professor Desmond Williams’ articles on Second World War Irish foreign policy being published in the Irish Press
Doc No. 210 10 July 1953 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
Critique of Professor Desmond Williams’ Irish Press articles on Second World War Irish foreign policy
Doc No. 211 13 July 1953 - From Leopold H. Kerney To Seán Nunan
Alleged insinuations within Professor Desmond Williams’ Irish Press articles on Second World War Irish foreign policy
Doc No. 212 13 July 1953 - From Thomas J. Kiernan To Seán Nunan
Credentials of Ireland’s ambassador to Australia
Doc No. 213 21 July 1953 - From Richard Callanan To Seán Nunan
Heinrich Becker
Doc No. 214 23 July 1953 - From Michael Rynne To Con Cremin
Security classification of reports
Doc No. 215 25 July 1953 - From Michael Rynne To John J. Hearne
Credentials of Ireland’s ambassador to Australia
Doc No. 216 27 July 1953 - From Joseph P. Walshe To Seán Nunan
Increasing bureaucratisation in the Department of External Affairs
Doc No. 217 31 July 1953 - From Department of External Affairs To Government
Ireland’s claim for compensation for bomb damage caused by German forces during the Second World War
Doc No. 218 14 August 1953 - From Denis R. McDonald To William Warnock
Representation of China on international bodies
Doc No. 219 18 August 1953 - From Thomas V. Commins To John J. Hearne
Otto Strasser
Doc No. 220 28 August 1953 - From Seamus MacÚgo
Representation of Northern Ireland Nationalist MPs in Dáil Éireann
Doc No. 221 25 September 1953 - From Michael Rynne To Josephine McNeill
Irish attitude towards European integration
Doc No. 222 1 October 1953 - From John Belton To Seán Nunan
The future of West Berlin, West Germany and the EDC
Doc No. 223 6 October 1953 - From Sean Nunan To Joseph P. Walshe
Developments concerning Professor Desmond Williams’ articles on Ireland’s neutrality
Doc No. 224 9 October 1953 - From Sean Nunan To Joseph P. Walshe
United States attitudes towards the partition of Ireland and the supply to Ireland of military materiel
Doc No. 225 22 October 1953 - From John J. Hearne To Seán Nunan
Visit by Tánaiste Seán Lemass to the United States of America
Doc No. 226 29 October 1953 - From Department of External Affairs To Government
Accreditation of Australian Ambassador to Ireland
Doc No. 227 29 October 1953 - From Department of External Affairs To Government
Problems arising in connection with Irish workers in Britain
Doc No. 228 2 November 1953 - From Thomas V. Commins To Bernard Brogan
Querying the issue of passports to children to be adopted in the United States of America
Doc No. 229 3 November 1953 - From Cabinet Minutes
Accreditation of Australian ambassador to Ireland
Doc No. 230 7 November 1953 - From Seán Nunan To Thomas J Kiernan
Accreditation of Australian ambassador to Ireland
Doc No. 231 13 November 1953 - From Thomas J. Kiernan To Seán Nunan
Credentials of the Australian ambassador to Ireland
Doc No. 232 19 November 1953 - From William P. Fay To Maurice Moynihan
Trade with the Soviet Union, China and Soviet satellite states
Doc No. 233 20 November 1953 - From Frank Aiken To Thomas J. Kiernan
Credentials of the Australian ambassador to Ireland
Doc No. 234 25 November 1953 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
Lord Rugby’s personal views on Ireland
Doc No. 235 27 November 1953 - From John J. Hearne To Seán Nunan
Irish diplomatic relations with Nationalist China
Doc No. 236 28 December 1953 - From Thomas J. Kiernan To Seán Nunan
Credentials of the Australian ambassador to Ireland
Doc No. 237 28 December 1953 - From Seán Nunan To John J. Hearne
Diplomatic relations with Nationalist China
Doc No. 238 1 January 1954 - From Conor Cruise O'Brien
Report on recent events in Northern Ireland
Doc No. 239 5 January 1954 - From Con Cremin To Seán Nunan
French views on Ireland’s international position and Partition
Doc No. 240 6 January 1954 - From Thomas J. Kiernan To Seán Nunan
Termination of appointment of Australian Ambassador to Ireland
Doc No. 241 14 January 1954 - From Department of External Affairs To Government
Appeal of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees for Ireland to take certain classes of refugees
Doc No. 242 15 January 1954 - From Seán Nunan To Thomas J Kiernan
Impasse over the credentials of the Australian ambassador to Ireland
Doc No. 243 25 January 1954 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
Dinner with Soviet Chargé d’Affaires and discussion on Irish-Soviet relations
Doc No. 244 26 January 1954 - From Seán Nunan To Maurice Moynihan
Termination of ‘National Emergency’ caused by the Second World War
Doc No. 245 26 January 1954 - From Brendan Dillon To Seán Nunan
Dinner with Group Captain Townsend
Doc No. 246 28 January 1954 - From Department of External Affairs To Government
Trade with Communist countries
Doc No. 247 30 January 1954 - From Frederick Boland To William P. Fay
The nature of the Irish community in the United Kingdom and the development of welfare societies in that community
Doc No. 248 4 February 1954 - From Department of External Affairs To Government
Termination of ‘National Emergency caused by War of 1939-45’
Doc No. 249 18 February 1954 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
The actions of Fianna Uladh and the Ulster Unionist Party’s reaction to the movement
Doc No. 250 18 February 1954 - From Maurice Moynihan
Discussion with Alexis Fitzgerald concerning Kerney/Desmond Williams libel action
Doc No. 251 19 February 1954 - From Seán Nunan To Frederick Boland
Seeking information as to Kerney’s recall
Doc No. 252 19 February 1954 - From Cabinet Minutes
Admission of refugees
Doc No. 253 20 February 1954 - From Maurice Moynihan To Alexis Fitzgerald
Government will not express any views on Kerney/Desmond Williams libel action
Doc No. 254 22 February 1954 - From Seán Nunan To Maurice Moynihan
Kerney’s activities in August 1942
Doc No. 255 26 February 1954 - From Joseph P. Walshe To Seán Nunan
President O’Ceallaigh’s continuing desire to visit the Holy See
Doc No. 256 1 March 1954 - From Josephine McNeill To Seán Nunan
Colonel Nasser’s taking power: conversation with the Egyptian Chargé d’Affaires
Doc No. 257 3 March 1954 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
Kerney’s actions during the Second World War
Doc No. 258 9 March 1954 - From Gerard Woods To Seán Kennan
Adoption of Irish children to the United States of America
Doc No. 259 10 March 1954 - From Seán Nunan To Joseph P. Walshe
Queries regarding Kerney’s report of 24 August 1942
Doc No. 260 10 March 1954 - From Seán Nunan To Leo T. McCauley
Assistance required in relation to External Affairs attitude towards the Kerney/Desmond Williams libel trial
Doc No. 261 13 March 1954 - From Josephine McNeill To Seán Nunan
Conversation with the Egyptian Minister to the Hague on the situation in Egypt
Doc No. 262 15 March 1954 - From Joseph P. Walshe To Seán Nunan
Walshe’s views on Kerney and his activities during the Second World War
Doc No. 263 16 March 1954 - From Joseph P. Walshe To Seán Nunan
Relief that President O’Ceallaigh is not to visit the Holy See
Doc No. 264 23 March 1954 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
Commonwealth Relations Office views on Kerney/Desmond Williams libel trial. Boland’s views on documents used by Williams
Doc No. 265 25 March 1954 - From Joseph P. Walshe To Seán Nunan
Need for Ireland to remain ‘independent’ of the Holy See in its actions
Doc No. 266 27 March 1954 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
‘The US – Pakistani Pact’
Doc No. 267 2 April 1954 - From Michael Rynne To Seán Nunan
Varied quality of overseas reporting
Doc No. 268 8 April 1954 - From Denis McDonald
‘Functions of the Political Section’
Doc No. 269 23 April 1954 - From Thomas J. Kiernan To Seán Nunan
Events in Indochina/defence of South East Asia
Doc No. 270 23 April 1954 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
Recent functions held by Irish organisations in London
Doc No. 271 26 April 1954 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
Anthony Eden’s remarks on the partition of Ireland
Doc No. 272 27 April 1954 - From Seán Kennan To Thomas V. Commins
Overseas adoption of Irish children – government policy and role of the Department of External Affairs
Doc No. 273 1 May 1954 - From John Belton To Seán Nunan
The Saar / European Defence Community
Doc No. 274 3 May 1954 - From William P. Fay To Charles K. Murphy
Overseas adoption of Irish children – government policy and role of the Department of External Affairs
Doc No. 275 5 May 1954 - From Joseph P. Walshe To Seán Nunan
Monsignor Quinlan, United Nations aid to Korea and the position of the Catholic Church in Asia
Doc No. 276 11 May 1954 - From Brendan O'Riordan To Michael Rynne
Irish views on the attitude of the government of South Africa
Doc No. 277 25 May 1954 - From John Belton To Seán Nunan
Delay in setting up the European Defence Community
Doc No. 278 31 May 1954 - From Department of External Affairs
Procedure in regard to enquiries which involve security from foreign diplomatic and consular staff
Doc No. 279 21 June 1954 - From William P. Fay To Liam Cosgrave
Emigration of women and girls to Britain
Doc No. 280 29 June 1954 - From Cabinet Minutes
Irish attendance at the European Conference on the organization of agricultural markets, Paris, July 1954
Doc No. 281 30 June 1954 - From Con Cremin To Seán Nunan
Ceasefire in Indochina
Doc No. 282 5 July 1954 - From Michael Rynne To Seán Ó hÉideáin
Ireland’s attitude toward the Soviet Bloc
Doc No. 283 6 July 1954 - From Thomas V. Commins To William P. Fay
Construction of hostels in Britain for Irish emigrants
Doc No. 284 10 July 1954 - From Con Cremin To Seán Nunan
European Defence Community
Doc No. 285 12 July 1954 - From Joseph D. Brennan To Seán Nunan
‘Review of the Anti-Partition Campaign in the United States of America’
Doc No. 286 13 July 1954 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
Continuing interest of Soviet Embassy in London in relations with Ireland
Doc No. 287 16 July 1954 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
The successes of Sir Winston Churchill’s horse at the Curragh and Churchill’s intention to visit Ireland
Doc No. 288 1 July 1954 - From Conor Cruise O'Brien
‘Visit to the Six Counties, July 21-22, 1954’
Doc No. 289 21 July 1954 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
Motivations of young Irish emigrants to Britain
Doc No. 290 5 July 1954 - From Maurice Moynihan
Refusal of visas for Soviet officials to visit Ireland
Doc No. 291 30 July 1954 - From Hugh McCann To Seán Nunan
Impressions of visit of President of Korea to Washington
Doc No. 292 31 July 1954 - From Frederick Boland To Seán Nunan
‘The Permanent Under-Secretaryship of the CRO’
Doc No. 293 3 August 1954 - From Conor Cruise O'Brien To Joseph P. Walshe
Views on ending the partition of Ireland
Doc No. 294 10 August 1954 - From Cabinet Minutes
Appreciation of services of J.P. Walshe
Doc No. 295 11 August 1954 - From Seán Nunan To Maurice Moynihan
Career of J.P. Walshe
Doc No. 296 12 August 1954 - From Department of Agriculture
Report of Irish delegation to ‘Green Pool’ Conference in Paris, 6-10 July 1954
Doc No. 297 13 August 1954 - From John A. Costello To Joseph P. Walshe
Appreciation of services of J.P. Walshe
Doc No. 298 17 August 1954 - From Joseph P. Walshe To John A. Costello
Thanking Costello for his letter of appreciation of Walshe’s contribution to the Irish diplomatic service
Doc No. 299 27 August 1954 - From Brendan O'Riordan To Michael Rynne
Comparisons between the proposed partition of Cyprus and the partition of Ireland
Doc No. 300 28 August 1954 - From John Belton To Seán Nunan
Difficulties with EDC Treaty

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